ECR Group in Parliament Formed

The centre-right European Conservatives and Reformists Group in the European Parliament has been constituted.  Nicola Procaccini (Fratelli d’Italia, Italy) and Joachim Brudziński (PiS, Poland) are the new joint leaders Assita Kanko (N-VA, Belgium), Hermann Tertsch (Vox, Spain), Alexandr Vondra (ODS, Czech Republic) and Charlie Weimers (Sverigedemokraterna, Sweden) are its deputy leaders. Meanwhile, Denis Nesci (Fratelli d’Italia) and Kosma Złotowski (PiS, Poland) have been elected as co-treasurers. …

2024 Rule of Law Report

  Photo by Iñaki del Olmo on Unsplash   The EU says systematic concerns remain about the rule of law in some countries. It goes on to warn that the situation has further deteriorated. The concerns are addressed in the recommendations of this year’s Rule of Law Report. The report covers four areas: national justice systems,…

EU Auditors Criticise EU Cohesion Policy

Photo by Sara Kurfeß on Unsplash

Photo by Sara Kurfeß on Unsplash They say that the EU has not managed to significantly reduce persistent spending errors in cohesion policy, whose aim is to reduce social and economic disparities within the EU.  European Commission and member state controls are still lacking at every level, according to a review by the European Court of Auditors.  While…

Actions to Restore Peace and Overcome Russia 

The recent Global Peace Summit has proven to be a pivotal event in the ongoing struggle for international stability, particularly in the light of Russia’s aggressive actions. Despite Russia’s attempts to derail the summit, including efforts to forge alliances with China and Brazil and propose alternative peace plans, the gathering saw the participation of leaders…

Will European Migration Policy Survive a New Parliament in Brussels?

Photo by Ra Dragon on Unsplash

Photo by Ra Dragon on Unsplash If polls are to be believed, a potential emergence of a more influential far-right bloc within the European Parliament could have significant ramifications for the EU’s migration policy. Historically, far-right parties have campaigned on stringent immigration platforms, advocating for tighter border controls and stricter asylum policies. A sizable presence of these parties…

Taiwan’s Indispensability in Preparing for Future Pandemics

Dr Hsueh Jui yuan

The three years of the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in a terrible loss of life and exacerbated health inequalities. The global economy slumped and, worldwide, people’s lives were affected, writes Dr. Hsueh Jui-yuan This experience demonstrated that the present global health governance framework is not effective in responding to threats to global health. Although COVID-19 is…

First Banana Concert by Puppet Phenomenon

Randy Felt Face

He (or should it be ‘it’) has been described as “truly unique”. As seen on Netflix, Randy Feltface has spent the past two decades winning awards and garnering critical praise while amassing a huge and devoted following across the globe. So an audience in Belgium is in for a real treat this summer because Randy…

Rwanda Genocide Remembered

Photo by Hanna Morris on Unsplash

Photo by Hanna Morris on Unsplash  An estimated 3 million people were “slaughtered” in the Rwanda genocide. It is an event that has passed into the annals of history as one of the worst ever such atrocities. The weekend,therefore, was a chance for the international community to come together to mark what was the 30th anniversary of this…

Russian Sabotage of Dnipro Dam

Photo by Igor Lavrov

Less than a week ago, Russia held a so-called “presidential election” that once again confirmed that Putin’s rule poses a real threat to millions of people both inside and outside Russia.  On 22 March, Russia launched one of the largest attacks on Ukraine, using 151 aerial attack weapons: 63 strike UAVs of the Shahed-136/131 type,…