With a Little Bit of Luck

Photo by Sandy Millar on Unsplash

Photo by Sandy Millar on Unsplash Praying is the most common ritual for England fans before a game at the Euros in Germany, with one in five (22.2%) fans admitting to doing this before their team play.  After a tense game against Switzerland on Saturday, England scraped through to the semi-finals by winning a Pena;lty shoot-out after extra…

Shaking up the Cocktail Scene.

Belgium’s Best Bartender of 2024 has been announced. It is Larry Godefroid who will now represent the country in the world championships later this year. The 23-year-old from Brussels was chosen from a field of 15 others who took part in the 61st National Competition of the UBB – Union of Belgian Bartenders – at…

Brussels Brasserie Leads Horeca Recovery

Latest research shows that two out of three Belgians are dining out less than they did five years ago. The latest restaurant barometer by payment platform Edenred asked 4,099 Belgians on their restaurant habits so far in 2024 and 36% of Belgians said their budget to eat out is less than it was in 2019….

Saint Lucia – The Journey Continues

Sun,sea and salsa may be most people’s typical image of the Caribbean.But, as “celebrity chef” Orlando Satchell explains there’s rather more to this idyllic part of the world than that, including its under-rated cuisine. Satchell is a man on a mission – to elevate Caribbean culinary offerings to the same level as great world cuisines…

That is Brusselicious!

A number of restaurants in the Brussels-Capital Region can now proudly claim to be holders of the “Brusselicious” label.  The label identifies Brussels restaurants that serve quality Belgian cuisine. In all, some 30 establishments have been awarded the label this year.The restos are known for serving Belgian classic dishes like shrimp croquettes, vol-au-vent or Americain prepare. People…

Best of the Caribbean

A special event takes place in Brussels all this week which aims to showcase the best of the Caribbean and foster closer ties between the region and Belgium. Called “Caribbean Week” (17 to 23 June), the various activities seek to raise the profile of the Caribbean. The initiative is the brainchild of the Brussels-based Caribbean Chamber of…

Ferme de Mont-Saint-Jean

The historic battlefield site of Waterloo is now home to a thriving multi-activity business  Battlelines will be drawn next weekend (22/23 June) when Napoleon and Wellington again go head to head on the fields of Belgium. Throughout the weekend, more than 300 re-enactor troops will camp in bivouacs at Napoleon’s last headquarters and in the…

Delivery companies leave bad taste for restaurant owners

Photo by Petr Sevcovic on Unsplash

Photo by Petr Sevcovic on Unsplash The Asian Catering Federation [ACF] has criticised restaurant takeaway delivery platforms in the UK for “undermining”  the hospitality sector and High Street trade in general. The ACF represents the nation’s 35,000 Asian and Oriental restaurants in the UK and the sector employs over 100,000 people and contributes more than £5 billion to…

Battle of Waterloo

Fancy finding out how life was lived at the time of the Battle of Waterloo? If so, a special event on the weekend of 22/23 June could be just for you. As well as a full scale re-enactment of the famous Battle visitors get the chance to “relive” life back then. More than 300 re-enactors…

EURO 2024

Billy Bremner

The Euros kick off this month and fans all over the continent will be willing their countries on to success. The start of the football championships on 14 June is a good time, then, to remember some of the greats from the past and none come much better than Billy Bremner. As his country rarely…