China’s Mediation in Peace Talks

Amidst the ongoing Russian aggression against Ukraine, the role of the People’s Republic of China as a potential mediator in peace talks becomes critically important. China, as one of the world’s leading economies and political forces, has the potential to play a decisive role in achieving a stable and just peace in the region, which…

Armenia and Azerbaijan Negotiate Peace Treaty: Why Yerevan Should Change its Constitution

Photo by SnapSaga on Unsplash

Photo by SnapSaga on Unsplash After the military clashes of 2020 and 2023 and numerous diplomatic meetings in different formats, the longest-running conflict in the post-Soviet space is closing. Azerbaijan and Armenia are ready to sign a peace treaty. Work on the text of the agreement continues, but in the latest, tenth version, Baku explicitly called for the…

As Long As It Takes

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash With Russia’s war against Ukraine raging on, MEPs have reconfirmed their view that the EU must continue to support Kyiv “for as long as it takes until victory.” A new resolution sets out the newly-elected European Parliament’s first official position on Russia’s “war of aggression” against Ukraine. It restates the continued support…

African Union’s 45th Session Opens in Accra

The Executive Council of the African Union (AU) opened its 45th session in Accra, Ghana last week. Morocco was represented at this session by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates Nasser Bourita. During this session, foreign ministers of the AU member states examined several reports, including the report on the activities…

Does Russia Pose a Threat to Western Civilisation?

In recent geopolitical discussions, Russia has emerged as a central figure, often depicted as posing a fundamental threat to Western civilisation. This narrative is complex, encompassing strategic escalations, geopolitical ambitions, and ideological confrontations that reshape global security dynamics. Analysing these narratives reveals an intricate interplay of power, ideology, and historical grievances. Central to the narrative…

Solving Mediterranean Migration

Photo by Eric Masur on Unsplash

Photo by Eric Masur on Unsplash Irregular migration remains one of the most formidable challenges confronting even the most advanced and powerful nations globally. Despite ongoing international initiatives, substantial resources dedicated to addressing this issue, and significant advancements in technology designed to combat migration, it persists unabated. Statistics indicate a significant surge in levels of irregular migration over…

EPC Meeting to be Hosted by Starmer

Photo by Matt Brown on Unsplash

Photo by Matt Brown on Unsplash A former UK MEP said a key meeting this week is a chance to “restore the UK’s tattered European credentials.” The fourth meeting of the European Political Community (EPC) takes place on Thursday. It is a collective launched after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 that was the brainchild of the…

Accusations of Dam Sabotage

In a recent statement, Maria Zakharova, the official spokesperson for the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, accused Ukraine of planning to sabotage the dams of the Kyiv Hydroelectric Power Station and the Kaniv Reservoir. This accusation is clearly provocative and has raised serious concerns within the international community. Analysts and experts in international security believe…

Morocco Contests ICSID Ruling

Photo by Alex Belogub on Unsplash

Photo by Alex Belogub on Unsplash The International Centre for Investment Dispute Settlement (ICDI) rejected on Monday, most of the Corral Morocco Holding groups, estimated up to $ 2.7 billion, by only granting compensation for compensation 150 million dollars, less than 6% of the amount that the group has claimed, according to the Minister of Economy and Finance,…

UN Adopts Resolution on Ukraine’s Nuclear Plants


The United Nations General Assembly has passed a resolution entitled “Protection and Security of Ukraine’s Nuclear Facilities, including Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant,” highlighting the international community’s responsible approach to current challenges and risks particularly those largely instigated by Russia on both regional and global scales. This resolution underscores support for Ukraine in its struggle against…