Far Right Gains in France a Pivotal Moment

Photo by Pedro Lastra on Unsplash

Photo by Pedro Lastra on Unsplash Gains by the far right in last week’s EU elections are “deeply concerning”, says former UK MEP Claude Moraes  The far right held their positions in Italy and the Netherlands (with swings between far-right parties rather than to them). But they failed to make headway in other countries where they were predicted…

Far Right Wins Big in Italian Elections

One of the EU parliament’s longest serving former MEPs has failed to get re-elected.  Sir Graham Watson was a long standing MEP and sought to return to Parliament  as a candidate in Italy for an alliance backed by the country’s former PM Matteo Renzi. Sir Graham told this site, “The United States of Europe list…

New Play Has Special Relevance After Lockdowns

Debra Baker

The director of a keenly-awaited new play in Brussels says its “eternal truths” are “still the same today” as they were four decades ago. Robert Chevara is the director of “Frankie and Johnny in the Clair de Lune” which will be performed in Brussels next month. It is produced by The Bridge Theatre, Brussels’ professional…

Interview with MP Sabir Rustamkhanli

Q: There are many claims that in September 2023, the Armenian population of the Garabagh region was subjected to “ethnic cleansing” by Azerbaijan. What is your comment on these statements? A: These are completely fabricated and claims of parties interested in maintaining tension in the region. Think for yourself, Azerbaijan has used all political and…

Sudan: The humanitarian and security situation discussed in the European Parliament

Photo by Abdulaziz Mohammed on Unsplash

Photo by Abdulaziz Mohammed on Unsplash Debate about the humanitarian and security situation in Sudan was held in the European Parliament in Brussels on 5th May. Anna van Densky, MEP Márton Gyöngyösia and James Wilson were interviewed by Bjorn Hultin. Photo by Radouan Bachiri This interview was first published in EUBriefs, and is reprinted here with the permission…

Stories from three courageous young volunteers delivering vital aid to Ukraine’s front line.

Photo by Tungsten Rising on Unsplash

This interview first appeared in EU Today, and is republished here with the news portal’s permission. Photo by Tungsten Rising on Unsplash When you see the terrible consequences of the war with your own eyes, you understand that Western countries should help more, writes Gary Cartwright. On Sunday, 2nd April, the All-Ukrainian Charitable Foundation “Peace and Good” delivered…

Kirovohrad Seeks Partnerships to Feed the World

Photo by Roman Iv on Unsplash

Photo by Roman Iv on Unsplash On 9-10 March, the head of the regional council of Kirovohrad Oblast (region), Sergii Shulga, visited European institutions in Brussels to raise awareness about the future of his region in the EU and the global context. Kirovohrad Oblast is a region in central Ukraine that had a population of about a million…

The impact of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine on World Food Security

The international community has been warned it should not rely on the unconditional support of poorer nations in the war against Russia. The stark warning came at a conference in Brussels on the Russian theft of Ukrainian grain produce and the impact this is having on international food prices. The event, organised to highlight the…