Boosting the Roll-out of 5G

Boost to rollout of 5G

In a special report published yesterday, the European Court of Auditors (ECA) calls for new impetus to boost the roll-out of 5G, the new global wireless standard for mobile networks, in the EU. Member States have experienced considerable delays in implementing their 5G networks, which is jeopardising the achievement of the EU’s objectives in terms…

Huawei: 2020 ‘make or break’ for EU 5G leadership

2020 will see 5G gather speed across Europe. For successful deployment, an inclusive and facts-based approach will be key, according to a debate held in Brussels on 16th January at Huawei’s Cybersecurity Centre in Brussels. The participants discussed how policymakers, operators and technology providers can get Europe on track towards speedy and inclusive 5G deployment….