If the coronavirus pandemic has had a shocking impact on the health of citizens, their daily life and local economies, the EU’s recovery plan constitutes an historic act of solidarity for our continent and a turning point for our Union, writes Stefano Bonaccini. Without this new financial windfall, we will not be able to overcome…
Author: Guest Contributor
Uzbekistan’s Energy Strategy
EU Political Report published an article on Uzbekistan’s Nuclear Project on 1st February. The National Agency for Nuclear Power in Uzbekistan “Uzatom” has requested the opportunity to respond to this article, and we publish their response here in full below:- On January 29, EU Today hosted at the Press Club in Brussels a conference dedicated…
China’s Failings Revealed by US Commission Report
With each passing day, the US-China rivalry intensifies as Beijing struggles to compete against Washington’s power and influence, writes Dr. Jianli Yang. America’s regard for democracy and advocacy of liberal ideals are major impediments for China’s aspiration to drive global politics and the economy. They also hinder the Chinese Communist Party’s rule within Chinese territory….
Angola’s Role in the Current Crisis in the Central African Republic
The current armed crisis in the Central African Republic is one of a very complex nature, writes Frederick Ishimwe. It is not rooted in the religious or ethnic differences as some of the commentators try to present it, as we see that several ideologically opposed groups all of a sudden joined together under the CPC…
Erasmus: a missed opportunity for the young people of the UK?
In finalising its treaty with the EU, to the dismay of many, the British PM Johnson has confirmed his last minute negative decision to no longer participate in the EU`s Erasmus programme. This comes as a severe blow to young people and to present and future students and teaching staff throughout our education and training…
EU-UK Negotiations Set to Continue
The UK-EU trade deal prioritises sovereignty over economics. Politicians will soon be talking about how to improve the deal. Very little about the UK’s long-term relationship with the EU has been settled, writes Charles Grant. One particular comment that I heard during the Brexit negotiations has lodged in my memory. In September 2020, a senior…
A European Health Union must be a union of citizens
On 9 May 2020, to mark the 70th anniversary of the Schuman Declaration, New Europeans launched an appeal for an ‘International Conference on the Lessons Learned by the EU after Coronavirus’, with the aim of paving the way to a European Health Union, writes Roger Casale. Six months later, it is fair to say that both objectives are somehow…
The Zohar
The Festival of Chanukah (however you spell it in English) in addition to its historical origins, is also a celebration of the long mystical tradition in Judaism, writes Jeremy Rosen. Nothing symbolizes mysticism in Judaism today more than the book called The Zohar (Bright Light). It has become the most significant text, in terms of…
Pacta Sunt Servanda
A reply to a comment made by the Russian ambassador to Austria on the Ukraine conflict, written by Olexander Scherba, the Ukrainian Ambassador to Austria. There is naive hypocrisy, outrageous hypocrisy – and hypocrisy beyond comprehension. For example the hypocrisy of a state that has promised to respect your borders, then takes your country away…
Human Rights Day 2020
Human Rights Day 2020: religious persecution continues to blight the lives of hundreds of millions, writes Gary Cartwright. Human Rights Day is internationally observed each year on December 10th — the day the United Nations General Assembly adopted, in 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which proclaims the inalienable rights which everyone is entitled…