EU-UK Negotiations Set to Continue

The UK-EU trade deal prioritises sovereignty over economics. Politicians will soon be talking about how to improve the deal. Very little about the UK’s long-term relationship with the EU has been settled, writes Charles Grant. One particular comment that I heard during the Brexit negotiations has lodged in my memory. In September 2020, a senior…

The Zohar

The Festival of Chanukah (however you spell it in English) in addition to its historical origins, is also a celebration of the long mystical tradition in Judaism, writes Jeremy Rosen. Nothing symbolizes mysticism in Judaism today more than the book called The Zohar (Bright Light). It has become the most significant text, in terms of…

Pacta Sunt Servanda

A reply to a comment made by the Russian ambassador to Austria on the Ukraine conflict, written by Olexander Scherba, the Ukrainian Ambassador to Austria. There is naive hypocrisy, outrageous hypocrisy – and hypocrisy beyond comprehension. For example the hypocrisy of a state that has promised to respect your borders, then takes your country away…

Human Rights Day 2020

Human Rights Day 2020: religious persecution continues to blight the lives of hundreds of millions, writes Gary Cartwright. Human Rights Day is internationally observed each year on December 10th — the day the United Nations General Assembly adopted, in 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which proclaims the inalienable rights which everyone is entitled…

MEPs appeal to High Representative Joseph Borell in support of the Kingdom of Morocco

A number of influential members of the European Parliament, representing the major political groups, have appealed to the High Representative, Joseph Borell, in support of the Kingdom of Morocco in its efforts to guarantee the free passage of goods and people in the demilitarised zone of Guerguerat, writes Gary Cartwright. European parliamentarians belonging to the…

Taiwan is crucial to the global fight against cybercrime

Taiwan’s national anti-pandemic and cybersecurity teams are playing a crucial role of global significance, writes Huang Ming-chao. Since emerging in late 2019, COVID-19 has evolved into a global pandemic. According to World Health Organization statistics, as of September 30, 2020, there were more than 33.2 million confirmed COVID-19 cases and more than 1 million related…

Albion Languages

The logistics and supply chain sector has experienced extreme challenges during the Coronavirus pandemic, writes Alistair Binks. A recent survey conducted by the Institute for Supply Chain Management found that nearly 75 per cent of companies reported supply chain disruptions in one form or another due to Covid-19-related transportation restrictions. The importance of global supply chains…

Economic regulation of major digital platforms : the best way to kill the European digital economy

As European leaders applaud the success of Airbus, an aerospace giant in a duopoly with Boeing, they are about to prevent any possibility of similar success in the digital sector, writes Pierre Bentata. A Franco-Dutch proposal, now gaining European attention, aims at imposing specific regulations on the major digital platforms, in order to limit their…