Hong Kong: Erosion of Rights and Freedoms

Photo by Manson Yim on Unsplash

Photo by Manson Yim on Unsplash The EU’s outgoing foreign affairs chief says there has been a “continuous erosion of the rights and freedoms” of people in Hong Kong. Josep Borrell was reacting to the release of the EU’s 2023 annual report on Hong Kong. The former Spanish MEP said the report “illustrates in great detail the continuous…

Hong Kong In Steady Decline

Photo by sarah richer on Unsplash

Photo by sarah richer on Unsplash The European Commission and the High Representative have adopted their latest annual reports on political and economic developments in Hong Kong and Macao. The annual report on political and economic developments in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region illustrates what the EC calls “the continued erosion of Hong Kong’s high degree of…

Hong Kong: The Tragic Arrest of Cardinal Zen (90)

Cardinal Zen

The Vatican should more forcefully oppose the arrest of Cardinal Joseph Zen Ze-Kiun, a retired Hong Kong archbishop who has courageously opposed human rights violations, and Western governments should sanction responsible Hong Kong officials, said Peter Zoehrer, Director of FOREF a Vienna-based, independent human rights organisation. “Cardinal Zen courageously risked his own freedom and security…

MEPs call for boycott of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics

Boycott Beijing 2022

On Thursday, Parliament adopted a resolution on violations of fundamental freedoms in Hong Kong. Parliament condemned in the strongest terms the deterioration of human rights in Hong Kong, including severe restrictions on freedom of expression, freedom of association and press freedom. MEPs called on the Hong Kong government to release all political prisoners and drop…

Students Arrested For Protesting Against China’s 2022 Winter Olympics

Free Hongkong Free Tibet

Tibetan and Hongkong students protesting in Athens against the handover of the Olympic Torch to the Beijing 2022 Committee have been arrested.  They waved the Tibetan flag and Hongkong’s revolution flag at the iconic historical landmark of the Acropolis, chanting “Boycott Beijing 2022” and “Free Tibet” as Greek authorities promptly confiscated their flag. Displaying the…

Hong Kong Loses Trust in Chinese Vaccine

Five new strains of virus have been detected in Hong Kong and the authorities have identified 4 places of origins Philippines, Indonesia, Pakistan and Dubai respectively, writes Jianli Yang. The fifth place of origin is unknown. From a total population of 7.5 million, the new strains have put the tally of infections to a total…

How China Has Crushed Hong Kong’s Democracy

And the worst part is, it’s not even done yet.  On March 11, an annual confab of functionaries rubber-stamped a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) plan to gut most of what is left of Hong Kong’s democratic processes, write Aaron Rhodes and Jianli Yang. At the “Two Sessions” meeting, or Lianghui, over 5,000 members of the CCP elite —…

Hong Kong: Statement by EU

The National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China adopted last week a Decision that will have a significant impact on democratic accountability and political pluralism in Hong Kong. The Decision will lead to a concentration of power and influence in the Hong Kong Election Committee, which is not a democratically elected body. The…