Digital Single Market Needs Clear Rules

Arba Kokalari

The EPP group has welcomed what it calls “new and strong” rules for online platforms. “The European Parliament will send a strong signal that we want a Digital Single Market with clear rules, strong consumer protection and a business-friendly environment”, said Arba Kokalari, speaking during plenary debate on the Digital Services Act (DSA) in the…

Cleaning up Our Water

Cleaning up our tap water

Drinking water across the EU will have to be monitored more closely for the potential presence of two endocrine disrupting compounds (beta-estradiol and nonylphenol) throughout the whole water supply chain. This comes after a decision by the EU on Wednesday. As required by EU rules in force since last year, the Commission established today a first ‘watch list’ of emerging compounds to…

Making the EU a True Health Union

European Health Union

The EPP Group wants the European Union to become what it calls a true Health Union with more health powers.  To this end, the EPP Group will vote this week for more resources for the European Medicines Agency (EMA) to prevent shortages of critical medicines and medicinal devices. Furthermore, clinical trials will be made more…

Creative Europe Work Programme

Mariya Gabriel

The Commission has adopted its Creative Europe work programme, which will be followed by the launch of the relevant calls for proposals. With a budget of around €385 million, nearly €100 million more compared to 2021, Creative Europe strengthens its support to creative and cultural partners taking due account of the challenges resulting from the…

Western Balkan Law Reforms

Western Balkans

EU action has had little impact in advancing fundamental rule of law reforms in the Western Balkans, according to a special report published by the European Court of Auditors (ECA). Some technical and operational reforms have taken place in the region. But in a context of insufficient political will and a lack of engagement, EU…

Titanium Dioxide Banned As Food Additive

Titanium Dioxide

 The European Commission has adopted a ban on the use of Titanium Dioxide as a food additive (E171). The ban will apply after a six-month transitory period. This means that, as from this summer, this additive should no longer be added to food products. Commissioner Stella Kyriakides, in charge of Health and Food Safety, said: “The safety of the…

Impact of Coronavirus on Work-Life Balance

The Covid-19 pandemic clearly shows that many of the Work-Life Balance Directive 2019 provisions – to be implemented by Member States by August this year – are insufficient. The Covid-19 pandemic has exacerbated work-life balance conflicts for workers with care responsibilities, the majority of whom are women. For ETUI Researcher Kalina Arabadjieva, this new EU legal…

Roberts Zile Elected EP Vice President

Roberts Zile

ECR MEP Roberts Zīle has been elected as Vice-President of the European Parliament. The announcement came with the results of the second ballot of votes to elect the 14 Vice-Presidents, whereby MEP Zīle received a majority of 403 votes from his colleagues from across the chamber. Following Mr Zīle’s election, Co-Chairman of the ECR Group Ryszard…

Emergency Aid for Floods in Brazil

Floods in Brazil

The European Commission has allocated €1 million in emergency funds to respond to the consequences of floods in Brazil.  During the past two months, heavy rains affected several Brazilian municipalities, particularly in the states of Bahia and Minas Gerais, resulting in disastrous consequences for the population and the loss of houses, schools and vital infrastructures….

Greens to Support Newly Elected EP President Metsola

Roberta Metsola

The Greens/EFA Group have congratulated Roberta Metsola on her election as President of the European Parliament and offer “critical and constructive” cooperation. The Greens/EFA Group called on all political groups in the European Parliament to ensure proportional representation of the democratic groups of the European Parliament when electing the European Parliament Vice-Presidents. The Greens/EFA Group…