EU’s Coronavirus Recovery Funds

The EPP Group says that EU Member States must use the EU’s Coronavirus Recovery Funds better.  The fact that billions of euros of the money has not yet been accessed is a great concern, EPP Group Vice-President, Siegfried Mureşan MEP, and Group spokesman on Budgets, Jose Manuel Fernandes MEP, have warned.  European Parliament Committees on Budgets and the Economy will this week endorse the first implementation report on the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), co-authored by Mureşan. ”Now that…

Securing Affordable Sustainable Energy

The EPP Group says that Europe urgently needs a plan to develop long-term partnerships with non-EU countries to ensure “sustainable, secure and affordable energy.” “This is needed not just for the EU but also for world stability”, said Christian Ehler MEP, the EPP Group Spokesman on Energy, Industry and Research. The European Commission has published…

Potential of Space for the Internet

Space based internet

The EPP group has called for more to be done to harness the potential of space for the internet. Massimo Salini MEP, the European Parliament Chief Negotiator on the EU’s Space Programme said the COVID-19 has highlighted the importance of secure internet connections.  “We all know how much broadband connections are important for our lives….

European Railway Awards

Manfred Weber

The 2022 European Railway Award’s Rail Champion prize was presented today to Manfred Weber, Chairman of the European Parliament’s EPP Group, for his legislative support of rail travel among youth. Additionally, Bane NOR’s ERTMS programme was recognised as this year’s Rail Trailblazer project for revolutionising the Norwegian rail network and providing a vision for digital railways in a Single European Rail…

Digital Single Market Needs Clear Rules

Arba Kokalari

The EPP group has welcomed what it calls “new and strong” rules for online platforms. “The European Parliament will send a strong signal that we want a Digital Single Market with clear rules, strong consumer protection and a business-friendly environment”, said Arba Kokalari, speaking during plenary debate on the Digital Services Act (DSA) in the…

Making the EU a True Health Union

European Health Union

The EPP Group wants the European Union to become what it calls a true Health Union with more health powers.  To this end, the EPP Group will vote this week for more resources for the European Medicines Agency (EMA) to prevent shortages of critical medicines and medicinal devices. Furthermore, clinical trials will be made more…

Parliament to Honour Memory of President David Sassoli.

David Sassoli

European Parliament President David Sassoli passed away in Aviano (Italy) on 11 January.  A Member of the European Parliament since 2009, he was elected President in July 2019 for the first half of the legislature. President Sassoli adopted extraordinary measures enabling the European Parliament to carry out its duties and exercise its prerogatives under the…

Is Investment in Gas Green?

Is gas green energy?

The EPP group says gas “can bridge the gap” and reduce CO2 emissions faster. In a statement, it said, “To reduce Europe’s CO2 emissions, we also need gas. Not for ever and everywhere, but for a transitional period and in certain situations.” It goes on, “Gas is the cleanest fossil energy source and gas infrastructure…

Combating the Use of Shell Companies for Tax Evasion

Combating shell companies used for tax evasion

The European Commission has tabled proposal to combat the use of shell companies for tax purposes. Comment on the issue came from Markus Ferber MEP, the EPP Group’s Spokesman in the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee. “Often the main purpose of shell companies is to facilitate aggressive tax planning or disguise beneficial ownership structures. In theory, Member…