Combating the Use of Shell Companies for Tax Evasion

Combating shell companies used for tax evasion

The European Commission has tabled proposal to combat the use of shell companies for tax purposes. Comment on the issue came from Markus Ferber MEP, the EPP Group’s Spokesman in the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee. “Often the main purpose of shell companies is to facilitate aggressive tax planning or disguise beneficial ownership structures. In theory, Member…

Calls for Sanctions Against Ortega and Murillo

Nicaragua Democracy

The EU should consider introducing additional sanctions against the regime of Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo, say MEPs in a resolution. MEPs demand that Nicaraguan regime leader Daniel Ortega be added to the list of sanctions and urge the EU to assess other possible measures, including going beyond restricting individuals. They warn, however, against any…

Taiwan and Lithuania celebrate steps to a Closer Relationship.

Taiwan opens Embassy in Vilnius

This  year, for example, the 2021 Taipei International Food Show featured Lithuanian products.  But there was also a political dimension to Lithuania’s participation as it also demonstrated the solidarity between Lithuania and Taiwan, and their strong commitment to upholding democracy against pressures from authoritarianism. The annual international food show featured the first-ever Lithuanian pavilion, one of…

Trans-European Network in Energy

Tom Berendsen

EU Member States and the European Parliament have reached an agreement on the so-called Trans-European Network in Energy (TEN-E) Regulation. “With today’s agreement, energy in Europe will become more sustainable, more securely supplied and more affordable”, said Tom Berendsen MEP, who negotiated the new EU rules for the financing and construction of energy infrastructure on…

Digital Markets Act

Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament, led by S&D MEP Evelyne Gebhardt, have achieved interoperability of messaging services and social media when it comes to big online platforms, with the adoption of the Digital Markets Act (DMA) by the plenary of the European Parliament. If the Parliament’s position is backed, consumers will be able…

Protecting Workers Against Hazardous Substances

Protecting workers against carcinogens

A revision of rules to protect workers of carcinogenic and other hazardous substances has been informally agreed by the European Parliament and Council negotiators. During the negotiations, MEPs secured the inclusion of reprotoxic substances in the fourth revision of the Carcinogens and Mutagens at Work Directive (CMD4). These substances have adverse effects on reproduction and…

Upholding the Rule of Law

rule of law

In response to months of political interference in both the media and the judiciary, the S&D Group has urged Slovenia to change course and “lead by example when it comes to upholding the rule of law.” In a report on the rule of law in Slovenia, for the first time in Parliament’s history, MEPs have…

Nuclear’s Role in the EU’s Energy Mix

Ostravets NPP

Critics argue that nuclear can solve the gas crisis and play a key role in Europe’s future energy mix As fuel was loaded into the second reactor of Europe’s newest nuclear power plant (NPP), the debate raged on about nuclear’s role in the green energy mix.  Just last week the European Commission put forward the…