Calls for a EU Civil Society Strategy

EU Civil Society

A conference organised by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) reiterated the call for an EU Civil Society Strategy and a European Statute for Associations. Appropriate follow-up to the Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE) and a regular and structured dialogue with CSOs were considered key aspects to rebuilding citizens’ trust in politics and strengthening…

EU Key Player at COP26

EU Climate Action

COP26 must deliver on climate ambition and Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe is calling on the EU to play a leading role in the final days of climate talks to deliver robust COP26 outcomes. The EU is a key international player at the negotiations in Glasgow, with ministers from European countries co-leading seven out of…

Belarus Threatens the EU

Belaus Migrants

The European Conservatives and Reformists Group in the European Parliament condemns the escalation near the village of Kuźnica Białostocka, Poland, where a huge number of migrants under the control of armed Belarus units are set to destroy border fences and cross illegally into EU territory. ECR Co-Chairman Prof Ryszard Legutko (Poland) said: “The scenes that are…

Commission Pledges €100 at COP26


At a high-level plenary session at COP26, the European Commission announced a new pledge of €100 million in finance for the Adaptation Fund. Speaking in Glasgow, Executive-Vice-President Frans Timmermans said: “We have to scale up international climate finance and provide a predictable framework for its delivery. The Adaptation Fund can play a key role and that is…

The potential of Artificial Intelligence

artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence regulation should focus on the level of risk associated with specific uses, a draft report presented in the AIDA committee on Tuesday says. The test, presented by the rapporteur, says that the public debate should shift towards a focus on the enormous potential of artificial intelligence (AI), which offers humankind the unique chance…

EPP Boycotts EP Election Mission to Venezuela

Venezuela elections

The EPP Group has decided to not participate in the electoral mission that the European Parliament will send to Venezuela to follow the municipal and regional elections on 21 November, “since they will inevitably be used to validate the Nicolás Maduro regime which continues to violate the human rights of the Venezuelan people.”  It is…

Protecting Children’s Rights

children's rights

In 2021, children have been repeatedly caught in the midst of political and border management disputes on the EU’s external borders, but children’s rights are not protected. These developments call for a renewed commitment to the protection, safe-guarding, and best interests of children, says Afshan Khan, Special Coordinator for the Refugee and Migrant Response in Europe,….

School Help Should be Part of Emergency Aid: Ochojska


Help for schooling children and youngsters should be integrated into the EU’s emergency aid programmes, said Janina Ochojska MEP ahead of this week’s vote in the European Parliament’s Development Committee on the Report on the ‘New orientations for the EU’s humanitarian action’. She added, “Integrating training and school programmes into emergency programmes is important to…

Gender Equal Societies Are Happier and Healthier

gender equal

At a special event in the European Parliament on Tuesday the S&D Group leader Iratxe García, together with vice-president Hélene Fritzon and the S&D spokesperson on women’s rights Maria Noichl, and other key S&D members, presented the S&D Group’s position on women’s rights It is the Socialists and Democrats’ roadmap on how to achieve a gender equal European Union, as they believe…