European Economic Recovery Plan Tabled

BusinessEurope has tabled its proposals for a European economic recovery plan. It says that despite the extraordinary efforts of governments and the EU Institutions to support businesses and workers through the crisis, Europe’s economic and political environment as we gradually exit from the severe restrictions placed on economic activity is likely to look significantly different…

Crisis Package Needed for Agriculture

The agricultural sector is in need of a specific fund outside CAP in response to the corona crisis, says the EPP. In an exchange of views in the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development with Commissioner Janusz Wociechowski regarding the exceptional measures for the European farming sector, the ECR Group called for a specific agricultural fund outside…

Parliament Grills Borrell over Alleged Concessions to Chinese Propaganda

The European Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee Chair David McAllister issued the following statement after Thursday’s debate with Josep Borrell on disinformation about the COVID-19 pandemic. “This afternoon, the Foreign Affairs Committee held an important debate with EU High Representative and Vice President of the European Commission Josep Borrell on the latest report by the European…

Hezbollah Attacks Central Bank of Lebanon

Lebanon’s Central Bank Governor has spoken up about a “systematic campaign” against him by Hezbollah-backed PM Hassan Diab Riad Salameh, Governor of Lebanon’s Central Bank, spoke out today in a one-hour long video conference. He addressed the “systematic campaign” against him, which is widely thought to have been driven by Hezbollah. Mr Salameh was responding…

Commission Proposals for Temporary Relief for Banks

Commission Executive Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis on Tuesday presented proposals for a temporary reduction of capital requirements in the Corona crisis.  The Commission wants to ensure that banks continue to provide credit to the real economy despite the crisis.  The package of measures includes a proposal to compensate for the effect of the new accounting rules…

EU Mexico Seal Trade Deal

The European Union and Mexico have concluded the last outstanding element of the negotiation of their new trade agreement.  Trade Commissioner Phil Hogan and Mexican Minister of Economy Graciela Márquez Colín agreed by telephone on the exact scope of the reciprocal opening of public procurement markets and a high level of predictability and transparency in public procurement…

Proper Audit Needed for Energy Efficiency Projects

Cost-effectiveness is not a determining factor for allocating public funding to energy efficiency measures in residential buildings, according to a new report from the European Court of Auditors.  Despite improved guidance from the European Commission, EU-funded projects still do not focus on achieving the greatest potential energy savings per euro invested.  The overall contribution of…

Ukraine Land Reform

The President of Ukraine has signed the law “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on the Conditions of Circulation of Agricultural Land” Law № 552-IX was originally approved by the Verkhovna Rada on 31 March. The document provides for the formation of a legislative framework for the introduction of market circulation of agricultural…

Will There Be a Summer Holiday This Year?

The Commission says it is supporting Member States as they deal with the impact of the coronavirus on the tourism sector.  At a videoconference on Monday, EU Ministers discussed the implications of the coronavirus outbreak on the tourism industry – which accounts for 10% of EU GDP – and the recovery strategy for the tourism…