EU-UK Negotiations Set to Continue

The UK-EU trade deal prioritises sovereignty over economics. Politicians will soon be talking about how to improve the deal. Very little about the UK’s long-term relationship with the EU has been settled, writes Charles Grant. One particular comment that I heard during the Brexit negotiations has lodged in my memory. In September 2020, a senior…

EP to Scrutinise EU-UK deal

On Monday 28 December, the leaders of the political groups in the European Parliament and President David Sassoli exchanged views with Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and EU Chief Negotiator Michel Barnier on the deal reached on 24 December on the future relationship between the EU and the UK. The Conference of Presidents reiterated…

Connection lost – online vigil to mark end of free movement between EU and UK

When you were a child, do you remember how it felt when one of your favourite Christmas presents was taken away from you?  Well that’s how many will feel for many on 31 December when free movement between the UK and the EU comes to an end, For millions of Britons and EU citizens, the gift of free movement gave them the choice to live in…

British Government Announces “Turing Programme”

A new £100 million scheme for students to study and work abroad will replace the UK’s participation in Erasmus+ The UK has cancelled further participation in Erasmus+ and has replaced it with a new scheme designed to enable students to study and do work placements across the world. The Turing scheme will be backed by…

UK and EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement

On 24 December 2020, the UK and EU agreed a new Trade and Cooperation Agreement to govern the future trading and security relationship now that the UK has left the EU.  President Ursula von der Leyen spoke about the “long and winding road ” that led to an agreement. However, it is also clear that there is much…

No Deal Brexit Chaos?

The European Parliament has approved urgent contingency measures to avoid No Deal Brexit chaos on 1st January 2021. Ciarán Cuffe, Green MEP for Dublin has been working on these measures as part of his role as coordinator for the Greens in the European Parliament’s transport committee. Such contingency measures provide common rules for six months to…

A European Health Union must be a union of citizens

On 9 May 2020, to mark the 70th anniversary of the Schuman Declaration, New Europeans launched an appeal for an ‘International Conference on the Lessons Learned by the EU after Coronavirus’, with the aim of paving the way to a European Health Union, writes Roger Casale. Six months later, it is fair to say that both objectives are somehow…

A Winter Scottish Beach Holiday

Winter is a wonderful time to visit Scotland, and offers the perfect soft and clear light to photograph the landscape and enhance its colours. There are fewer tourists at this time of year; it is a pleasure to walk in the rolling farmland and hills, and to enjoy the unspoilt beaches and coastal scenery. Classic…