Soft Drinks With Less Sugar

Europe’s soft drinks industry has reduced added sugars in its drinks across Europe by an average of 14.6% between 2015 and 2019. UNESDA Soft Drinks Europe, representing soft drinks producers across the EU, is committed to creating healthier and more sustainable food environments. It is determined to support consumers in managing their intake of added sugars…

Carbon Neutral Investments

Finnish interest groups say the EU sustainable financing package threatens to raise emission-free electricity generation costs and therefore erode export industry competitiveness. The European Commission will publish in the coming days a draft of sustainability criteria for climate-critical investments. The sustainability criteria will be the subject of an extensive round of consultations over the next…

Making the Single Market Sustainable

The Socialists and  Democrats in parliament have tabled a position paper on the Sustainable Single Market for Consumers and Businesses.  In the paper, they call on the Commission to present ambitious legislative proposals necessary to adapt the Single Market to the challenges of climate and degradation of the environment, and describe why it is a social question to…

As opposition in the US to mineral wool factory persists, European concerns also grow

The mineral wool factory planned for Jefferson County, West Virginia, is close to opening despite opponents campaigning to stop the Rockwool insulation plant from being built. The situation in the United States will be watched closely by those in France concerned about a similar plant planned in the Soissons region. Local US media WTOP News…

EU Aid for Nagorno-Karabakh

The Commission has announced an additional €3 million in humanitarian support to ensure critical assistance to the civilians most affected by the conflict in and around Nagorno Karabakh. This funding comes on top of €900,000 allocated since early October when the hostilities started. Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarčič, said: “The EU continues to stand by all…