ECR Group in Parliament Formed

The centre-right European Conservatives and Reformists Group in the European Parliament has been constituted.  Nicola Procaccini (Fratelli d’Italia, Italy) and Joachim Brudziński (PiS, Poland) are the new joint leaders Assita Kanko (N-VA, Belgium), Hermann Tertsch (Vox, Spain), Alexandr Vondra (ODS, Czech Republic) and Charlie Weimers (Sverigedemokraterna, Sweden) are its deputy leaders. Meanwhile, Denis Nesci (Fratelli d’Italia) and Kosma Złotowski (PiS, Poland) have been elected as co-treasurers. …

Election of Commission President

Nicola Procaccini

MEPs will vote today to decide if Ursula von der Leyen serves another term as EC president. The former German defence minister has served as head of the Commission since 2019. The result of the keenly awaited vote by MEPs will be known later today. She faces competition from other candidates, including  ECR Co-Chairman Nicola…