EU Partnership with UN for Palestine Refugees


The European Union says it is a “long-standing, predictable and reliable partner” of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). The European Commission says it adopted €261 million as the multiannual contribution that will allow to secure predictable financial resources to the Agency for the provision of…

Russia’s Declaration About “Unfriendly States”

Josep Borrell

The EU’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs Josep Borrell has issued the following statement:- Russia: Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the EU on the expansion of the list of so-called “unfriendly States” The European Union deplores the decision of the Russian government on 20 July 2022 to add five EU member states…

Relations Sour Between Algeria and Spain

Josep Borrell

Diplomatic tensions are growing between Algeria and Spain. In retaliation for Madrid’s support for Morocco’s Sahara autonomy project, Algiers announced on Wednesday the suspension of a “treaty of friendship, good neighbourliness and cooperation” binding it to Spain. This is a new setback in relations between the two countries, after the reduction by Algeria, at the…

Human Rights Protection Demanded for Russian NGO Memorial


Parliament said it “condemns the repeated persecution and the recent politically motivated” attempts by Russian authorities to shut down the two legal entities of the human rights organisation Memorial – International Memorial and the Memorial Human Rights Centre.  MEPs also called for all charges against Memorial to be dropped immediately and for guarantees that the…

Stop Crimes Against Journalists

Ahead of the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists on 2 November, High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell and Vice-President Věra Jourová have issued a joint statement. It reads, “A few weeks ago, Maria Ressa and Dimitri Mouratov received the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize as a recognition of their efforts to safeguard freedom of expression. With their reporting, they…

Colombia and EU open new chapter to strengthen bilateral relations

EU Colombia

The EU and Colombia have agreed on a “Memorandum of Understanding on an Agenda of enhanced political and sectoral dialogue and cooperation for the next decade”. It was signed on Wednesday by High Representative Josep Borrell and the Vice-President and Foreign Minister of Colombia, Marta Lucía Ramírez in New York, in the presence of the…