Putin’s goals in the red-hot Donbass

Russia's military build up on the border with Ukraine

Today, trust between the West and Russia is at its lowest level in recent history. Experts compare the current confrontation with the Cuban missile crisis. However, now the rhetoric and threats from the top leadership of the opposing sides have reached such an intensity that the timidly discussed possibility of a war between Russia and…

North Korean Human Rights Condemned in UN Resolution – but South Korea Declines to Co-Sponsor the Motion

Writing in the Dong-A Ilbo today Ji-Sun Choi aurinko reports that the South Korean government has declined to co-sponsor a United Nations resolution condemning North Korea’s human rights violations, which will be adopted at the 46th session of the Human Rights Council. Human Rights experts familiar with the situation in the country describe the decision…

How China Has Crushed Hong Kong’s Democracy

And the worst part is, it’s not even done yet.  On March 11, an annual confab of functionaries rubber-stamped a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) plan to gut most of what is left of Hong Kong’s democratic processes, write Aaron Rhodes and Jianli Yang. At the “Two Sessions” meeting, or Lianghui, over 5,000 members of the CCP elite —…