“LPR” representative at Minsk talks granted Russian Citizenship

Oleksiy Reznikov, the Minister for the Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories and Ukraine’s envoy to the Trilateral Contact Group exposes the facts. The so-called “Head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs” of the self-proclaimed “Luhansk People’s Republic” (“LPR”) Vladislav Deinego has been granted Russian citizenship. A photocopy of Deinego’s Russian passport has been posted…

UK Labour Winning Public Trust

5 months ago UK Labour lost a general election with a landslide defeat. Remarkably, under their new leader Sir Keir Starmer, they look as though they could reverse their catastrophic decline under Corbyn. In his first television broadcast responding to the Prime Minister’s statement on Sunday night about how the UK will emerge from lockdown,…

“Integration Needs Integrity to Succeed” – Vladimir Krulj

The current public health crisis is causing EU member states to close their borders and distance contact with neighbouring countries. But Counter-intuitively, Dr Vladimir Krulj argues that we must not forget the long term objective of greater integration between the EU and its neighbours. The European Union is the “most successful experiment in international cooperation…

Greens Score Their Best Election Result Yet in Eire

On February 8th Irish citizens were called to the voting booths to elect a new parliament through general elections.  While final results are still to be announced, the Irish Green Party – An Comhaontas Glas is already ensured to score its best result ever, more than doubling its 2016 result.  The Green Party is set to become…

Azerbaijan Poised to Accelerate Reforms Following Parliamentary Elections

Azerbijan’s governing party has emerged victorious in a snap parliamentary election called by President Ilham Aliyev to consolidate power and speed up economic reforms by replacing the old guard associated with his father. Candidates from the ruling Yeni Azerbaijan (New Azerbaijan) party won about 65 of 125 seats in the single-chamber parliament. A host of…

Politics of the Corona Virus?

Concern has been voiced about the impact on Taiwan of the coronavirus and serious questions have been asked about the country’s exclusion from taking part in international efforts to tackle the deadly disease. The virus has killed more than 210 people and more than 9,000 confirmed cases mainly in China. There have also been 9…

Romanian Electoral Reform Sparks Criticism

Marcel Ciolacu, President of the European Social Democratic Party, has complained about changes to the Romanian electoral legislation. The letter was sent to the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, as well as to the President of the European Parliament,Davin Maria Sassoli; the President of the Venice Commission, GianniBuquicchio; to the Secretary General of the European Council,…

European judges’ silent march in Warsaw resonates internationally

From the columns of the New York Times to news articles in Tokyo, the stand taken by European judges in defence of the rule of law in Poland has made headlines across the world. Judges, lawyers and civil society activists from across Europe joined their Polish peers in a silent march in Warsaw to protest against systematic attacks…