The Socialist Alternative movement has called on all rational and responsible Russian citizens to actively boycott the State Duma elections scheduled for September 17-19, 2021. It seems that this call is gaining traction with citizens who support opposition parties. With two days to go before the elections to Russia’s national parliament, the State Duma, it…
Budapest Mayor calls to counter the rising wave of illiberalism and national populism
Over 200 participants, including policymakers, experts and activists will meet to debate and discuss how to rebuild and strengthen democracy in the age of populism, at the inaugural Budapest Forum taking place on September 16-17, 2021, in Budapest, Hungary. The Forum will also discuss ideas on tackling inequalities during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, mainstreaming…
Angela Merkel Hailed as a Unifying Force for Europeans
Europeans still regard Angela Merkel, who will shortly step down as German chancellor, as a unifying force, and expect Germany to continue to provide leadership within the EU, according to new polling in a report published on Tuesday by the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR). In “Beyond Merkelism: What Europeans expect of post-election Germany”, the…
Reimagining A More Resilient UN System With Taiwan In It
After more than 200 million infections and over 4 million deaths and counting, the COVID-19 pandemic has raged across the globe, writes Jaushieh Joseph Wu from Taiwan. This has created a profoundly devastating socio-economic impact on our interconnected world, with virtually no countries spared. The pandemic has disrupted global trade, exacerbated poverty, impeded education, and…
Confrontation in Czech politics marks start of parliamentary election campaigns.
Summer is traditionally a calm time in the political life of states. While the world is recovering from the next wave of coronavirus, politicians in some countries seek to shift the news emphasis from the pandemic to their own personalities. Europe never tires of “delighting” its citizens with new events in political life. The diplomatic…
A Speech that Echoes Civilisation
The first indication we get from King Mohammed VI’s speech on the 22nd anniversary of Throne Day is that Morocco is a country of institutions, writes Abdelkader Filali Each event merits the time and space it deserves. A speech of wisdom, foresight, and fidelity to history, and geography. King Mohammed VI expressed, in frank and…
Cuba Libre! Declaration of the Centre for a Free Cuba on the Protests Inside Cuba
July 12, 2021 The Cuban people have suffered 62 years of totalitarian communist dictatorship. During all this time, the island’s regime has wanted to blame the United States for the misery Cubans experience. However, the one that has blocked the possibility of farmers from selling the food they produce to the people is the regime….
Corruption in Bulgaria
For years, Socialists and Democrats have denounced the situation in Bulgaria for its growing corruption, and attacks on the rule of law and freedom of media. This is why the public designation of Bulgarian public officials and oligarchs for engaging in corruption by the US State Department comes as no surprise. The close connections over the years…
Is France Trying to Destabilise the CAR?
The security forces of the Central African Republic (CAR) detained a French citizen this week and seized an impressive cache of weapons and intelligence equipment. According to the Ministry of the Interior, the suspect Mr. Quignolot had been in the CAR since 2013. He took part in the organisation of a coup in the CAR…
Hoogeveen Joins ECR Group
Dutch MEP Michiel Hoogeveen has joined the European Conservatives and Reformists Group. Mr Hoogeveen has taken the place of Derk Jan Eppink in the European Parliament. Mr Eppink has since occupied a seat in the Dutch national Parliament after being elected on behalf of the newly established JA21 party at the national parliamentary elections in March…