The first round of the 2022 French legislative elections took place on Sunday, June 12. The New Ecologic and Social People’s Union (NUPES), of which Europe Ecologie Les Verts – the French Green party is a part of, achieved “great” results with 380 candidates qualified for the second round. Over 50 French Greens candidates within the…
Relations Sour Between Algeria and Spain
Diplomatic tensions are growing between Algeria and Spain. In retaliation for Madrid’s support for Morocco’s Sahara autonomy project, Algiers announced on Wednesday the suspension of a “treaty of friendship, good neighbourliness and cooperation” binding it to Spain. This is a new setback in relations between the two countries, after the reduction by Algeria, at the…
China: While economy slides, Premier LI Keqiang’s political star shines
Last week, in an unusual move, Chinese Prime Minister LI Keqiang who has been recently in the news for his reported opposition to strict anti-Covid lockdown, held video talks with thousands of officials holding different ranks in the government. This was an emergency meeting and the Chinese Prime Minister talked about the health of the country’s economy, writes Jianli Yang….
Brexit past, present and future
The Sofa Analyst
“Politician, Kazakh entrepreneur and former owner of BTA Bank, the organiser of the DVK and the candidate for the post of Prime Minister of Kazakhstan” – such a description is flaunted on the YouTube channel of the world’s richest fugitive – fraudster Mukhtar Ablyazov, who is wanted in Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine on charges of…
Denmark Joins EU Common Defence and Security Policy
The Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament have congratulated the Danish people for voting in last week’s referendum to overturn their 30-year-old opt-out from the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP). Following on from the Swedish and Finnish applications for NATO membership, the Danish vote is yet another historic response to Russian aggression…
EESC Calls For Strengthening Schengen
The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) says that with the threat of war at its doorstep, the Schengen area should be further strengthened through better police and judicial cooperation, with its internal borders kept open The war in Ukraine, which has caused an unprecedented flow of refugees to seek shelter in the EU, points to…
Belgian Pride 2022
After a two-year absence, Belgian Pride made a comeback this year. More than 120,000 people participated in the Belgian Pride Parade. The streets of the capital were decked out in the colours of the rainbow. It was an opportunity for those taking part to share their message and their demands in a joyful and good-humoured…
Hong Kong: The Tragic Arrest of Cardinal Zen (90)
The Vatican should more forcefully oppose the arrest of Cardinal Joseph Zen Ze-Kiun, a retired Hong Kong archbishop who has courageously opposed human rights violations, and Western governments should sanction responsible Hong Kong officials, said Peter Zoehrer, Director of FOREF a Vienna-based, independent human rights organisation. “Cardinal Zen courageously risked his own freedom and security…
Russia Defines A Historical Mistake for Mankind
Throughout all stages of the existence of the Russian state, its key drivers have been internal repression and external expansion, often combined with the genocide of the peoples who stood up against Russian invasion. Russia is an artificially created country with an artificial people inhabiting it: the so-called Russians, who claim to be part of…