European Forest Strategy

The European Parliament Agriculture and Rural Development Committee has adopted MEP Petri Sarvamaa’s (EPP/FI) own  initiative report on the European Forest Strategy. The Confederation of European Paper Industries (Cepi) welcomes the adopted report and encourages the European Parliament to adopt it in plenary session this month of October. The report manages to strike a balance between the many…

EU’s ‘Green Deal’ must take into account health concerns over mineral wool

The European Commission’s ambitious European Green Deal aims to address the twin challenge of energy efficiency and affordability and states that the European Union and the member states should engage in a ‘Renovation Wave’ of public and private buildings. This policy enjoys broad support and the renovation wave has also become a key element of…

Turkey Arrests Environmental Protestors

Sunday July 26 marked the first anniversary of a campaign against an ecological disaster in Turkey. It was marred by police violence and the arrests of activists. The Yeşil Sol Parti and environmental activists have been protesting for over a year against a highly polluting cyanide leaching gold mine in the Çanakkale region.    …

Energoatom Safety Programme

On Thursday 23 July, NNEGC Energoatom received €100 million from the European Nuclear Energy Community for the implementation of the Comprehensive (Consolidated) Safety Improvement Program (CSPP) for Ukrainian NPPs, approved by the government in 2011. This is the third tranche under the loan agreement concluded with Euratom in 2013 and ratified by the Verkhovna Rada…

MEPs Call for Stronger Controls to Curb Air Pollution from Cars

To ensure that cars meet EU limits on NOx emissions, tests under real driving conditions must be more stringent, said the Parliament’s Environment Committee. The Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Committee adopted an amendment to EU rules on measuring emissions from light passenger and commercial cars with 55 votes to 14 and 11 abstentions….

Reducing Emissions from International Shipping

According to the International Maritime Organization (IMO), international shipping accounts for about 2.2% of global CO2 emissions.  Although shipping is considered one of the most energy-efficient modes of mass transport, a global approach to improving emissions is needed.  Poul Woodall, Director of Environment and Sustainability at DFDS, says that he sees companies across Europe accepting…