European leaders met on Thursday to discuss, among other things, the rising energy prices. A debate that began – belatedly – in October, prompted by the sky high energy bills faced by people living in Europe. Although the discussion went on for hours, the leaders were unable to reach a conclusion. T The President of…
Does EU’s Hydrogen Strategy Lean on “Rogue” Ammonia Producers?
Hydrogen has long been seen as the fuel of the future. Consisting of the most abundant chemical substance in the universe, hydrogen fuel is set to make a major contribution to the energy transition away from fossil fuels. The UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson believes his country will be a major winner from the “Hydrogen…
Europe-Maghreb pipeline : Algeria Threatens Europe
On Sunday 31 October the Algerian government announced the cessation of commercial relations between Algeria and Morocco, effectively ending the Algeria-Spain-Morocco pipeline agreement known as the Europe-Maghreb pipeline. The Algerian presidency in a public statement declared that it was no longer willing to extend the contract of the Europe-Maghreb pipeline. The decision to terminate gas…
Energy Price Hike: Need to Scale Up Renewables
The European Commission has unveiled its “toolbox” for EU governments to tackle the current energy price hike. The proposed toolbox will be discussed by heads of state and governments at the European Council summit on 21-22 October. The toolbox mainly includes short-term measures for member states by setting out options to target vulnerable households. The Greens/EFA…
Building Energy Efficiency Key for EU’s Future
Building energy efficiency is key for Europe’s future and both public and private sectors could contribute to energy savings, EESC hearing concludes. The EU must step up its efforts to promote energy efficiency and achieve those energy savings that are instrumental in the fight against the energy crisis and climate change. This is the main…
Energy Prices Keep Rising
MEPs have been debating European solutions to the rise in energy prices for consumers and businesses in Strasbourg today, with the European Commission. Recent weeks have seen hefty increases in energy costs with consumers left struggling to afford the hikes in bills. EFA MEP Jordi Solé has called on the European Commission to act. He criticised those…
The Karabakh War and Energy Security
Exactly one year has passed since the beginning of the second Nagorno-Karabakh war. The frozen conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan lasted almost 30 years, writes Nargiz Gambarova. The Nagorno-Karabakh region and 7 surrounding regions are internationally recognized territories of Azerbaijan. As a result of two flare-ups in April 2016 and July 2020, the tensions broke…
Taxing Green Energy in Ukraine: the Wrong Time for the Wrong Policy
Nuclear insists it has key role in meeting world’s energy needs
Nuclear energy is an issue like few others, dividing opinion in the extreme over its safety and role in the energy mix. But construction work on new nuclear plants continues apace, with the latest being in Belarus with the Astravets nuclear power plant (NPP). Building work on the twin-reactor plant is coming to an end…
EU Energy Future Needs to Take account of NGO Concerns
Fossil fuel industry lobbyists are expected to retain a stranglehold on Europe’s energy future, with a formal role in EU decisions on energy infrastructure development and funding, a new report claims. The European Commission has proposed to keep an obscure body advocating for vested gas industry interests – the European Network of Transmission System Operators…