Commission Revamps Erasmus+

The Commission has proposed Erasmus+ funding for five new platforms of Centres of Vocational Excellence, to meet the needs of an innovative, inclusive and sustainable economy. Funded through Erasmus+ for a maximum budget of €4 million each, the platforms will be active in sectors such as green innovation and urban greening, microelectronics, and the furniture…

Jobs For Europe’s Youth

The European Commission says it is taking action to give young people all possible opportunities to develop their full potential to shape the future of the EU, and thrive in the green and digital transitions. The coronavirus pandemic has emphasised the often difficult start many young people face in the labour market. We need to…

Transition to a Climate-Neutral Economy

The EU must transition towards a climate-neutral economy without letting disparities between regions grow any further, say regional development MEPs.  On Monday 6 July, the Regional Development Committee requested a significant increase in the budget allocated from the 2021-2027 financial framework (from EUR 11 270 459 000 in current prices to EUR 25 358 532…

Time for a Grey New Deal?

A new report by the International Longevity Centre UK (ILC) highlights that older consumers could drive economic growth in the post-pandemic recovery but business is failing to meet their needs.   “Lockdown not shutdown: How can we unlock the longevity dividend post-pandemic?” argues that older people on a fixed income may have not faced as significant a financial shock as younger people yet lockdown has made it difficult for this group, particularly those…

Eurogroup Presidency

Three ministers have put forward their candidacy to become president of the Eurogroup: Nadia Calviño, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation of Spain – Bio – Motivation letter; Paschal Donohoe, Minister for Finance and Public Expenditure & Reform of Ireland – Bio – Motivation letter; Pierre Gramegna, Minister for Finance of Luxembourg – Bio – Motivation letter.   The…

“Quarantini” Reduces Alcohol Consumption

A new global survey shows that over eight in ten drinkers are drinking less or the same amount of alcohol as before the lockdown, with the figures for Europe even more encouraging. The survey of more than 11,000 people across nine countries, conducted by YouGov for the International Alliance for Responsible Drinking (IARD), found that…

Digital Services Act

Yesterday (9th June) on the 20th anniversary of the agreement of the e-Commerce Directive, EDiMA (The European Digital Market Association) has called on legislators to build on the strong foundations offered by the Directive in the future Digital Services Act. Speaking on the anniversary, Siada El Ramly, Director General of EDiMA said: “The many millions…

2021 – 2027 EU budget and Recovery Plan

The Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR) says it welcomes the ambition shown by the European Commission with its revised proposal for a 2021 – 2027 EU budget and Recovery Plan, presented yesterday to the European Parliament.  In particular, the CPMR welcomes the bold and novel approach which foresees the European Commission raising €750 billion…

A Minimum Wage for Europe

Last Thursday (4 June) the Commission launched a consultation of European trade unions and employers’ organisations on how to ensure fair minimum wages for all workers in the European Union. This follows the first-stage consultation which was open from 14 January to 25 February 2020, to which the Commission received replies from 23 EU-wide social…