Brewing Nourishes the European Economy

patrycja-jadach on

  Photo by Patrycia Jadach on   The beer sector helps drive the European economy, according to a new report by Europe Economics. The report, published on 16 October, says the sector creates millions of jobs and billions in government tax revenues.  Despite ongoing repercussions from the pandemic closures in the hospitality sector and…

Fighting Against Climate Change

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

  Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash   Climate campaigners have called for EU political leaders to step up the fight against global warming. The group, Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe, said it cautiously welcomes the conclusions of last week’s meeting of EU environment ministers. This set out the EU’s negotiating position ahead of COP29…

Human Rights Violations by China

Photo by Kuzzat Altay on Unsplash

  Photo by Kuzzat Altay on Unsplash   MEPs in Strasbourg have adopted three resolutions on  alleged human rights violations in three countries: Türkiye, China and Iraq. They voiced “deep concern” about the ongoing “deterioration of democratic standards” in Türkiye, and the targeting of independent journalists, activists and opposition members. The sentence against Bülent Mumay…

Andrew Watt to Head ETUC

Photo by Timothy Hales Bennett on Unsplash

  Photo by Timothy Hales Bennett on Unsplash   A top economist has returned to Brussels to take up a new post. Andrew Watt has officially taken up his new post as General Director of European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC). Watt is an advisor to numerous bodies including the European Commission and the European Economic…

Combatting Deforestation

Photo by kazuend on Unsplash

  Photo by kazuend on Unsplash   The European Commission’s decision to delay introducing a key new law has met with a drastically different response. It comes after the EC announced a postponement of the implementation of the EU regulation to combat deforestation by 12 months. The regulation, which lays down due diligence obligations for companies importing…

EP Hearings for New Commissioners

Copyright European Parliament

MEPs have agreed on the calendar for the hearings of the EU commissioners-designate. The hearings will start on 4 November and take place until 12 November. The Conference of Presidents also decided on a division of duties among committees for the confirmation hearings. The detailed schedule of which Commissioner-designate will be heard and at what time…