Promoting Plant Based Drinks

Photo by Brenda Godinez on Unsplash

Photo by Brenda Godinez on Unsplash The European Parliament has been accused of “missing an opportunity” to acknowledge the need to include plant-based milks in the EU scheme subsidising school meals.  In their vote ahead of the expected EU proposal, awaited for the end of the year, deputies were accused of “showing once again very low ambition to allow…

Keep Chickens Cage Free

Photo by Ben Moreland on Unsplash

Photo by Ben Moreland on Unsplash Laying hens should be housed in cage-free systems, concludes a new study by the Union’s scientific body, the European Food Safety Authority, adding that meat chickens need more space and must come from slow-growing breeds only. The scientists confirm that it is not possible to provide sufficient space in cages. They also note that…