Redesigning the EU’s Relations with Africa

Photo by Alex Radelich on Unsplash

Photo by Alex Radelich on Unsplash Africa’s needs are bottomless, but they should also be seen as lungs that could breathe new life into flagging European economies. Sadly, this far from original proposition has yet to reverse Europe’s retreat from Africa, writes Giles Merritt. EU policymakers would probably deny this and point to their new strategy for strengthening…

SNP Campaigns on Rejoining the EU

Photo by Adam Wilson on Unsplash

Photo by Adam Wilson on Unsplash The SNP says it is the only party offering Scotland a route back into the European Union. Energy Secretary Mairi McAllan also accused the Conservatives and Labour of having “utterly abandoned Scotland’s European future”. Her comments just ahead of the UK general election this Thursday 4th July. Both the Conservatives and Labour…