Red Tape and the Red Wall

Red Tape

Before Brexit the UK was renowned for ‘gold-plating’ EU laws with extra red tape. With a 7% drop in real incomes forecast over the next two years, and the UK needing to generate economic growth, the objective should be to roll back red-tape barriers to growth rather than adding to the burden – yet the…

The Carbon Footprint of Wine

Consumers should think more about the “carbon footprint” of the wine they buy, according to a wine sector expert. Christel Goossens believes the wine-buying public are unaware or just do not think about the greenhouse gas emissions that come with shipping wine up to thousands of kilometres from other continents to Europe. She questions the…

Making Waves in the Caviar Market

It’s been a tough old year again so many of us may fancy treating ourselves to something that bit special this Christmas. One thing that rarely finds itself into Santa’s sack is caviar but one Belgian-based company is doing its bit to promote the charm of this much-overlooked commodity. “Caspian Tradition” is a real rarity…

Much-needed humanitarian aid is on its way to Ukraine – thanks to the generosity of people in Belgium.

Thanks to “unprecedented mobilisation” generators have just been despatched from Brussels to the war-torn country to help provide energy in the bitterly cold winter months. Four generators left the European Parliament on Wednesday. They were purchased in Belgium and result from a fund raising campaign for Ukraine. This was spearheaded by Andrzej Halicki, who is…

Why the EU’s Role is Crucial in Tunisia’s Economic Growth, a Pre-Condition for Democracy

Tunisia is at a standstill, caught between a democratic transition that has not met the expectations of the population and an economic development undermined by politics and its arbitrary and irrational excesses. The result: a lost decade, during which attempts to pull the country out of its economic slump – annual GDP growth was close…

Innovative start-up scoops top Arctic award

The International Polar Foundation has announced the winner of the first ever “Laurence Trân Arctic Futures Award.” The winner is Containing Greens AB, a startup created by young entrepreneurs based in Luleå, Sweden. An initiative of the International Polar Foundation and financed by the Trân family, the award provides €7,500 of financial assistance to a fledgling…

Mobilisation in the Russian Federation

There are three peculiarities of “partial mobilisation” in the Russian Federation The first is the concept of “until the last conscript”. Mobilisation in Russia, despite President Putin’s opinion that it is supposedly over, is continuing and will apparently continue until the end of the “special military operation,” which looks like it will end only after…

The Environmental Catastrophe of Russian Oil

On December 5, sanctions prohibiting maritime exports of Russian oil came into force, but, as noted by international experts, Russia does not intend to lose its “oil” position. In order to circumvent the sanctions to continue selling “black gold” outside the sanctioning countries, Russia had to buy directly or through intermediaries more than a hundred…

Morocco’s Transition To a Low Carbon Economy

King Mohammed VI of Morocco chaired, on Saturday December 03, at the Royal Palace in Rabat, the presentation ceremony of the new green investment program of the OCP Group (2023-2027) and the signing of the relevant protocol agreement between the government and OCP group. The ceremony is part of the proactive orientation promoted by the…

Asylum and Rescue in the Mediterranean

Tineke Strik

Members of the European Parliament will this week debate the need for a European solution on asylum and migration including search and rescue in the Mediterranean sea.On Tuesday, the International Organisation for Migration’s project reported that nearly 6,000 people have died in the Med trying to reach Europe since the start of last year and…