Explosions in Crimea: Ukraine takes the strategic initiative in the war


The Ukrainian government has decided that it is not going to stop at liberating those territories that Russia has occupied, starting on 24 February. On 15 August, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelenskyy created an advisory council for the return of Crimea. The events of the past few days in Russian-occupied Crimea suggest that Ukraine has gone…

Visiting Suffolk

Bury St Edmunds

Mention the word “Belgium” to many and they will still immediately think of two things: frites and beer. Well, two of the country’s most iconic symbols have now been “adopted” by a couple of towns in England – Bury St Edmunds and Ipswich. Businessman Rene van den Oort has opened a “Belgian-style” bar, serving speciality Belgian beers, in Bury St Edmunds while a…

Austria Striving for Climate Neutrality

Austria Carbon Neutral 2040

The Commission has allocated €76 million to Austria to fight climate change.  Austria will receive in total €136 million (in current prices) under the JTF to help make sure that the transition to climate neutrality does not leave anyone behind in the Austrian local economy and society.  Executive Vice-President for the European Green Deal, Frans Timmermans, said: “The adoption of the Austrian Just Transition…

Humanitarian Aid to Ukraine

Ukraine Humanitarian Aid

The EU says it has coordinated the delivery of 66,224 tonnes of in-kind assistance to Ukraine from 30 countries via the EU Civil Protection Mechanism.  The assistance delivered includes 180 ambulances, 125 fire-fighting vehicles, 300 power generators, 35 heavy machinery vehicles, and 4 pontoon bridges.  This is by far the largest, longest lasting and most…

Food Insecurity in Uganda

The EU has allocated an additional €4 million to Uganda, to help the country address the influx of new refugees from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and address the food insecurity in Uganda’s Karamoja region, on the border with Kenya.  Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarčič, said: “Prevailing insecurity in the eastern DRC has led…

Nuclear Friendship


Nuclear specialists have always been proud of belonging to the industry, feeling a certain superiority over representatives of other generations. They have in their hands not only the safe operation of the most complex equipment, but also the responsibility for the lives of people, without exaggeration, of the entire world. Without belittling the merits of…

Hero City of Grief and Hope: Stories from Irpin 

From the first days of their invasion, Russian troops advanced to the capital of Ukraine from several directions. In the north-western direction, the enemy could not get to Kyiv due to the heroic defense of the suburbs. One of those heroic towns is Irpin. This is a very beautiful, modern town, which is now half…

Anniversary of Kursk Submarine Disaster

Kursk Submarine Disaster

On the anniversary of the sinking of the Kursk submarine, Putin is burying the Russian army in Ukraine August 12 marks the 22nd anniversary of the Kursk submarine disaster, when its entire crew of 118 submariners died. 22 years ago, the Kremlin dictator began the deliberate destruction of the Russian army, which he threw into…

Russian military base in Serbia – first step to takeover of Serbia by Russia

Serbia Russia

Russian Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary in Belgrade Alexander Botsan-Kharchenko told SM News on 8 August in an interview about the establishment of a military base in Serbia, noting that the placement of Russian bases is a sovereign matter of that country.  The Kremlin is actively lobbying for the idea of establishing a military base in…

Pseudo-Referenda in Ukraine To Be Condemned

Russian Passport

Europe must take harsh measures for Russia’s pseudo-referenda in Ukraine’s occupied territories In the Russian-occupied territories of Ukraine, human rights are systematically violated, extrajudicial executions, murders of civilians, torture and rape are carried out, filtration camps are created, payments assigned by the Ukrainian state (salaries, pensions, allowances, social payments) are stopped, the evacuation of civilians…