Russian Traders Strategies to Evade Sanctions

While Russia is targeted by economic sanctions, importers are actively seeking for the ways to evade them. Money transfer and logistics are the key issues to their strategies. According to open source intelligence (OSINT), the Kremlin may be opting for the following ways to avoid the restrictions imposed by sanctions. Running entities in third countries…

Russia Kidnaps Ukrainian Children

Russia KIdnaps Children

According to Ukrainian Government data, as of 19th of March 367 Ukrainian children were injured and 205 fell victim to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. As this aggression goes on, Russia keeps violating the fundamental rights of children to life and security. By shelling and bombing civilian infrastructure, Russians kill parents and kidnap children on…

Russia is the World’s Breeding Ground for Neo-Nazi Culture

Russian Neo Nazis

Putin has said that “De-Nazification” of Ukraine is one of his key objectives, and that it is the main justification for the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The Kremlin media even brands all those who oppose Russian aggression as “Neo-Nazis.” At the onset of the invasion, Russian propaganda clearly distinguished between the Ukrainian “fraternal people” and…

Moscow Tries to Stir It in Sweden

Sweden Anti-Islam Rally

For the fourth day in a row, riots have raged in the Swedish cities of Linköping, Norrköping, Stockholm, Örebro, Malmö, and Landskrone after far-right politician Rasmus Paludan, who heads the Danish anti-immigration party Stram Kurs (“Hard Course”) publicly burned a Koran, saying he would do it again in other cities across Sweden. Some 100 opponents…

China and Russia Working Together to Destabilize Europe

China Russia penetrating Serbia

China’s position on Russia’s war against Ukraine has long been clear. It has been reflected in Chinese official statements since late February. Their position is pragmatic neutrality with an anti-American flavour.  China will support, albeit in a veiled way, anything that goes against U.S. policies. For external observers, it may seem that China and Russia…

Russian Nazism Must Be Destroyed

Russia's Nazis

What the Ukrainians experienced and understood in the first days of the war, the West is only now starting to realise. This is how human and social consciousness is arranged – an abstract understanding, which is the result of the work of political analysts, is not a stimulus to action. What is outside the sphere…

Russia Exploits Dual Use Loophole to Source Parts for Lethal Missiles


The Russian Federation is using cooperation with Western countries in the field of space research in order to source high-tech components for lethal missiles for the Russian Military according to reliable sources from the intelligence community. “Since the beginning of the Russian aggression, the RF Armed Forces have launched hundreds of missile strikes on the…

US Establishes new Programme to Help Ukraine Defeat Russia

The USA plans to replicate a similar programme to the one used to help the Allied Forces, including the USSR, to defeat Germany’s Third Reich, to help Ukraine defeat Russia. The Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act must be approved by the House of Representatives and signed by President Joe Biden. The U.S. Senate passed legislation…