Russia is the World’s Breeding Ground for Neo-Nazi Culture

Russian Neo Nazis

Putin has said that “De-Nazification” of Ukraine is one of his key objectives, and that it is the main justification for the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The Kremlin media even brands all those who oppose Russian aggression as “Neo-Nazis.” At the onset of the invasion, Russian propaganda clearly distinguished between the Ukrainian “fraternal people” and…

Moscow Tries to Stir It in Sweden

Sweden Anti-Islam Rally

For the fourth day in a row, riots have raged in the Swedish cities of Linköping, Norrköping, Stockholm, Örebro, Malmö, and Landskrone after far-right politician Rasmus Paludan, who heads the Danish anti-immigration party Stram Kurs (“Hard Course”) publicly burned a Koran, saying he would do it again in other cities across Sweden. Some 100 opponents…