African Union-European Union Summit

African Union European Union Summit

Civil society organisations are indispensable bridge builders between the EU and Africa On the eve of the African Union (AU)-European Union (EU) Summit (17-18 February 2022), and awaiting the conclusions of the Summit, Christa Schweng, EESC President, declared:“I deeply regret that the two consultative bodies of the European Union and the African Union, the European…

EU Position on Western Sahara Unchanged

Western Sahara on the Agenda

The European Union-African Union Summit opens on Thursday 17th February, and a thorny question is whether or not an invitation will be extended to the Western Sahara to attend. After today’s Foreign Affairs Committee, the European Union stressed in the clearest way, that its position has not changed regarding the Western Sahara saying that none…

ENAR Warns of Threats to Civil Society in France


For several months, ENAR has warned of the increasing threats to civil society in France. According to a new report by the French Observatory of Associative Freedom (Observatoire des Libertés Associatives), there was a systematic absence of legal or factual basis for abusive sanctions documented across 20 cases against organisations between 2016 and 2021. As…

Potential of Space for the Internet

Space based internet

The EPP group has called for more to be done to harness the potential of space for the internet. Massimo Salini MEP, the European Parliament Chief Negotiator on the EU’s Space Programme said the COVID-19 has highlighted the importance of secure internet connections.  “We all know how much broadband connections are important for our lives….

Europeans Believe Russia Will Invade Ukraine

Russian Invasion of Ukraine

An ECFR survey says Europeans believe Russia will invade Ukraine this year.  In every surveyed country – apart from Finland (a plurality, 44%) – a majority of respondents think Russia will invade Ukraine this year. The breakdown for each country is as follows: Finland (44%), France (51%), Germany (52%), Italy (51%), Poland (73%), Romania (64%) and Sweden (55%)….

Investment Schemes Linked to Citizenship and Residence

citizenship rapporteur

A new draft legislative initiative report sets out an array of measures to address problems linked to ‘citizenship and residence by investment schemes’. The EU parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs approved the draft text on Tuesday with 61 votes for, 3 against, and 5 abstentions. MEPs stress that ‘citizenship by investment’…

European Mobility Week


The nominees for the EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK Awards, Award for Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning (SUMP Award) and the EU Urban Road Safety Award have been announced. All awards are presented in recognition of remarkable activities conducted in 2021. The two EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK Awards showcase smaller and larger municipalities that successfully promoted sustainable urban mobility during the week of…

Hungary 3 April Parliamentary Elections

Hungary Election Opposition Candidate

The Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) has recommended to send an election observation mission to Hungary for the 3 April parliamentary elections.  In its assessment, the OSCE’s Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) said it plans to send a core team of analysts as well as “18 long-term observers to…

European Railway Awards

Manfred Weber

The 2022 European Railway Award’s Rail Champion prize was presented today to Manfred Weber, Chairman of the European Parliament’s EPP Group, for his legislative support of rail travel among youth. Additionally, Bane NOR’s ERTMS programme was recognised as this year’s Rail Trailblazer project for revolutionising the Norwegian rail network and providing a vision for digital railways in a Single European Rail…

ICAN Campaign to Ban Nuclear Weapons

ICAN Nuclear Disarmament Campaign

Lack of medical care and beds, overwhelmed hospitals and millions of unattended injured with serious injuries: this is the grim reality of what world capitals would face amidst a nuclear denotation, according to new report by the International Campaign to Ban Nuclear Weapons – ICAN.  The new report evaluates the immediate health response capacity to…