Hungary 3 April Parliamentary Elections

Hungary Election Opposition Candidate

The Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) has recommended to send an election observation mission to Hungary for the 3 April parliamentary elections.  In its assessment, the OSCE’s Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) said it plans to send a core team of analysts as well as “18 long-term observers to…

European Railway Awards

Manfred Weber

The 2022 European Railway Award’s Rail Champion prize was presented today to Manfred Weber, Chairman of the European Parliament’s EPP Group, for his legislative support of rail travel among youth. Additionally, Bane NOR’s ERTMS programme was recognised as this year’s Rail Trailblazer project for revolutionising the Norwegian rail network and providing a vision for digital railways in a Single European Rail…

ICAN Campaign to Ban Nuclear Weapons

ICAN Nuclear Disarmament Campaign

Lack of medical care and beds, overwhelmed hospitals and millions of unattended injured with serious injuries: this is the grim reality of what world capitals would face amidst a nuclear denotation, according to new report by the International Campaign to Ban Nuclear Weapons – ICAN.  The new report evaluates the immediate health response capacity to…

Forging a New Partnership with Africa

Africa EU

The EPP group has called on the EU to forge a new partnership with Africa. “We need to build a win-win partnership that strengthens trade and economic links between Africa and Europe to create jobs for Africa’s rapidly growing population and provide European businesses with access to new investment opportunities on the African continent”, said…

Geopolitical Mood Change In Europe

Ukraine Crisis

Russia’s military build-up on Ukraine’s border has triggered a mood change in Europe. Against a backdrop of rapidly escalating tensions, majorities in Europe now believe that Russia will invade Ukraine in 2022, and hold the view that the EU and NATO should stand behind Kyiv in such a scenario, according to a new polling-backed study…