The EU-UK Forum

A new initiative has been launched to help tackle some of the many issues raised by Brexit. The UK has now finally left the EU but problems have already emerged, just weeks after the much-vaunted trade and security agreement was thrashed out between the EU and UK on Christmas Eve. One such problem has been…

Boris Johnson: The Gambler

They say a truly historic prime ministerial term in office is marked by the incumbent having an “ism” after their name. Of course, we had Thatcherism, then Blairism but whether such an “accolade” can be afforded to the present tenant on No.10 is another thing altogether. Certainly, Boris Johnson brought the sort of “baggage” to…

New Circular Economy

The European Parliament will vote this week on the Parliament’s position on the European Commissions’ New Circular Economy Action Plan, a main pillar of the Green Deal. The Action Plan consists of 35 measures, including: Legislative proposals for a new sustainable product policy framework, sustainable production and better waste management of batteries, and a proposal…

Brussels business pair launch fresh SOS appeal in wake of “devastating” impact of coronavirus

Belgium’s battered horeca sector has been devastated by the health pandemic, with dire warnings of possible fresh bankruptcies in the industry. The country’s coronavirus consultative committee, which met on Friday, offered a ray of hope for bars, cafes and restaurants, both in Brussels and the rest of the country. Federal minister for small businesses, David…

Ciolos Blasts Bungler Borrell

Renew Europe has condemned the expulsion of EU diplomats and expresses  concern and disappointment at both the visit of Josep Borrell and his comments at a press conference with the Russian Foreign Minister. HR/VP Borrell has questions to answer about his bungled Moscow trip in the European Parliament next week.  The European Council must act…

TI Questions Integrity of EU Institutions

Renew Europe says it has “taken note with great interest” the reports from Transparency International EU on the integrity and transparency of European institutions.  The report on the European Parliament particularly caught our attention. Its authors unfortunately encountered the refusal of our institution to respond to their legitimate requests for information.  “I regret that the…

Borrell Lambasted for Moscow Gaffes

The EPP Group in the European Parliament has heavily criticized Josep Borrell, the EU’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.  “Holding a press conference with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov while the leading opposition politician Alexei Navalny is again on politically motivated trials, does not help his case and is a slap in…

Building Back Better

On Friday Nick Read Chief Executive Officer, Vodafone Group, delivered a keynote speech at LSE’s German Symposium event, where he highlighted the importance of the EU Recovery Funds in enabling Europe to Build Back Better, and why Europe must set higher ambitions for its digital transformation, in order to lead on a global scale.  He also stressed the…

Church of Almighty God Under Attack by CCP

The Church of Almighty God has released its 2020 Annual Report on the Chinese Communist Government’s Persecution of The Church of Almighty God, exposing the Chinese Communist Party’s continued assault on religious beliefs under the shadow of COVID-19. In 2020, at least 7,055 Christians from The Church of Almighty God were arrested, 1,098 were sentenced,…

More Funds Need to be Devoted to Digital Skills

New research reveals wide support for the European public’s attitudes towards the European Union’s Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF). Three out of four people believe digital public services (75%), digital skills (74%) and broadband internet access (73%) are important aspects for the recovery of Europe. But the report says that the public remain sceptical on…