EPP’s 10 Point Plan to Beat Cancer

Beating Cancer

Every year, 1.3 million people in the EU die of cancer and 2.7 million are diagnosed with it.  The EPP says, “We can and must change this trend.” Its message is: “The work we do in the European Parliament’s Special Committee on Beating Cancer (BECA) must make a difference to people’s lives.” The EPP Group…

Parliament Freezes Accounts of EU Border Guard – again

Frontex budget frozen

MEPs have agreed to close the EU Border and Coast Guard Agency’s accounts for 2019, but asked for part of next year’s budget to be frozen. The recommendation to grant the so-called discharge to Frontex for management of its 2019 budget received 558 votes in favour, 82 against and 46 abstentions. In the accompanying resolution…

“We cannot afford to fail” – Sassoli

David Sassoli

David Sassoli the EU Parliament President, speaking to coincide with the COP26 summit in Glasgow, said: “We cannot afford to fail.” He said, “The UN Emissions Gap report makes clear that the current national plans to tackle climate change are nowhere near enough. If we are serious about preventing a rise of more than 1.5…

Protecting the People of Poland and the EU

Poland and Rule of Law

Parliament said it “condemns” an attempt to undermine the primacy of EU law and calls on the Council and Commission to urgently protect the people of Poland and the Union. In a resolution adopted on Thursday with 502 votes for, 153 against, and 16 abstentions, MEPs emphasised that the Polish Constitutional Tribunal lacks legal validity…

Pandora Papers EP Report

Pandora Papers

The European Parliament has adopted a report on the Pandora Papers, in the wake of the revelations by the ICIJ and others into global tax avoidance, evasion and money laundering.The report was an initiative of the Greens/EFA Group. For the first time, this report sees the European Parliament condemns the role of the United States…

British owner inspires new chapter of historic Belgian football club

Union de Saint Gilles

Whisper it quietly but a quite remarkable sporting story is unfolding in Belgium. At the end of last season, Royale Union Saint-Gilloise, one of the most historic clubs in the country, located in one of Brussels’ 19 communes, was promoted to the top tier of Belgian football. Amazingly, it now stands proudly on top of…

Fundamental Rights and the Rule of Law

Rule of Law

The conference on Fundamental Rights and Rule of Law held by the European Economic and Social Committee brought into light serious violations and negative trends in the four areas covered by the European Rule of Law Mechanism (justice, corruption, media, checks and balances). The EESC stressed that civil society is a dynamic actor in defending…