MEPs express disgust at Pandora Papers revelations

tax evasion

MEPs have expressed indignation at the Pandora Papers revelations and criticised governments’ woefully inadequate response for over a decade to investigative findings of tax evasion. Speaking during a debate in plenary with representatives of the Council and the Commission just days after the leaks were published, the latest in a long series of investigative works…

EU Priority to Protect Rights of Citizens of Poland

von der lLeyen and Poland

Commission president Ursula von der Leyen has expressed “concern” at the latest situation in Poland. On Friday, she issued a statement which read, “I am deeply concerned by yesterday’s ruling of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal. I have instructed the Commission’s services to analyse it thoroughly and swiftly. On this basis, we will decide on next steps. …

Strengthening EU Cyber Defence

Cyber defence

MEPs call for a comprehensive set of measures and a coherent IT policy, as well as improved military cyber defence coordination, to strengthen EU cyber resilience. A common cyber defence policy and substantial EU cooperation on cyber capabilities are among the key issues needed for the development of a deepened and enhanced European Defence Union,…

S&D Group Criticises EPP opposition to Digital Services Act

Digital Service Act

The S&D Group in the European Parliament is astonished by the latest declarations coming from the leading EP negotiator of the file on Digital Markets Act (DMA), Schwab (EPP Group). In an interview published today (6 October) Schwab is quoted saying he is ready to organise the EPP Group to vote against the Digital Services…

EU Blueprint to Review National Tax Policies

EU Tax Reform

The European Parliament has outlined its priorities for reforming EU policy on harmful tax practices as well as a blueprint for a new system to assess national tax policies. With fierce tax competition between countries evolving relentlessly in novel ways, both within the EU and internationally, MEPs say that the EU needs to review and…

MEPs Call for Transparency for Hungarian and Polish Recovery Plans

Hungary Recovery Plan

In a debate with Commissioner Gentiloni on the Hungarian and Polish recovery plans, MEPs called for more transparency to make sure funds are properly allocated. Economy Commissioner Gentiloni updated MEPs on Wednesday, saying that currently 22 of the 25 submit national recovery plans have been approved. The Bulgarian and Dutch plans have not yet been…

Building Energy Efficiency Key for EU’s Future

Building Energy Efficiency

Building energy efficiency is key for Europe’s future and both public and private sectors could contribute to energy savings, EESC hearing concludes. The EU must step up its efforts to promote energy efficiency and achieve those energy savings that are instrumental in the fight against the energy crisis and climate change. This is the main…

Card for the Disabled Proposed by European Parliament

EU Card for the disabled

Mobility, education, housing and active inclusion in public life are key areas where disabled Europeans would benefit from reform, say MEPs. The EU should have a common definition for the disabled and introduce a European Disability Card to mutually recognise disability status across the EU, argue MEPs in a resolution approved with 579 votes in…

Arctic Regional Stability Under Threat

Arctic Security

The European Parliament has called for constructive international cooperation in the Arctic while issuing warnings over emerging threats to stability in the region.  In a new report on geopolitical and security challenges in the Arctic, adopted on Wednesday, MEPs say that Arctic states and the international community should preserve the Arctic as an area of…

Time for the EU to Embrace the Balkans

EU enlargement to Western Balkans

European Parliament president David Sassoli has written to Council President Charles Michel calling for “strong impetus” from the EU side just ahead of the EU – Western Balkans summit in Slovenia In a letter to Michel on the EU-Western Balkans summit that takes place in Slovenia on Wednesday, European Parliament President David Sassoli urges leaders…