China’s National Security Law Raises International Concern

The text of the following statement was released by the Governments of the United States of America, Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom. “We, the Foreign Ministers of Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom, and the United States Secretary of State, underscore our serious concern at the mass arrests of 55 politicians and activists in…

Ugandan Election Worries

The Ugandan people turned out to vote in multiparty national elections on 14 January despite an environment of intimidation and fear. The US State Department expressed concern about the credible reports of security force violence during the pre-election period and election irregularities during the polls. They have urged independent, credible, impartial, and thorough investigations into…

US Commission Publishes Report Alleging Uighur Genocide by China


Evidence has been tabled before the US congress in a committee report alleging that China may have committed genocide in Xinjiang. The report is the latest in a long series of indictments of China’s treatment of Uighurs and other non-Han racial minorities. China has come under intense international criticism over its policies in Xinjiang. China…