CAP Reform

In a letter to European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, leading EPP Group Members of the European Parliament’s Agricultural Committee have requested that she lets the negotiations on the Common Agricultural Policy go on and that Commission Vice-President Frans Timmermans respects the co-legislators and the democratic process. “We note with great concern that contradictory…

EU4 health Programme

To close gaps exposed by COVID-19 and ensure that health systems can face future threats to public health, an ambitious EU health programme is needed, say MEPs. On Friday, Parliament adopted its position on the Commission proposal to step up the EU’s action in the health sector significantly, through the so-called EU4 health programme with…


The European Parliament has given its consent to the EU China agreement on cooperation, and protection of, geographical indications, the first significant bilateral trade agreement the EU concludes with China. Renew Europe is committed to protect our farmers and their products in our globalized world, and welcomes this agreement that will protect 100 European Geographical…

Getting People Into Jobs

The European Parliament has prolonged the successful cooperation programme Network of European public Employment Services (PES) for another seven years.  The Socialists and Democrats support the platform, which enables the exchange of best practices, setting benchmarks and mutual learning with the goal of becoming more effective and efficient. Manuel Pizarro, S&D MEP and author of…

LGBTI+ Strategy

The S&D Group in the European Parliament has welcomed  an ambitious new LGBTI+ equality strategy presented by S&D Commissioner for Equality Helena Dalli. The Commission’s strategy answers the S&D Group’s long-standing calls for a new approach to fighting discrimination and promoting fundamental rights and protection of LGBTI+ people in the EU.  The first-ever LGBTI+ equality…

Aid for EU Farmers

A package agreed by European Parliament and Council negotiators means 8 billion euros will be made accessible to European farmers in 2021 and 2022 to address the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. “We are pleased that the support will be available to farmers next year”, says ECR shadow rapporteur Bert-Jan Ruissen MEP (NL). “These funds need…

Borrell speaks with Bourita and Boukadoum about El Guergerat

The High Representative Josep Borrell met earlier today (November 15) with the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Morocco Nasser Bourita and of Algeria Sabri Boukadoum, to learn about the latest developments in the El Guerguerat area, following recent events. The High Representative recalled on this occasion the EU’s full support for the…