Alexei Navalny Rescue Effort

A plane has left Germany to pick up Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, who is in a coma in hospital after a suspected poisoning attack, and transfer him from Siberia to Berlin for treatment, the Cinema for Peace Foundation said. The foundation’s activists had arranged for Pussy Riot member Pyotr Verzilov to be treated in Berlin after…

EU’s ‘Green Deal’ must take into account health concerns over mineral wool

The European Commission’s ambitious European Green Deal aims to address the twin challenge of energy efficiency and affordability and states that the European Union and the member states should engage in a ‘Renovation Wave’ of public and private buildings. This policy enjoys broad support and the renovation wave has also become a key element of…

Coastal chefs serve up “Sea of Flavours” campaign to sell merits of seafood

An innovative campaign that aims to highlight the work being done at the Belgian coast to promote sustainability and the local restaurant trade is about to be relaunched. Called “Sea of Flavours”, the initiative involves a group of restaurateurs, all based at the coast, who want to do their bit to ensure that fishing stocks…

Protests Escalate in Belarus

Ahead of tomorrow’s Foreign Affairs Council meeting to be held by video link, demonstrations in protest against the violent actions of the authorities have mushroomed in Belarus. Schools, hospitals and state owned factories across the country have gone on strike. Street demonstrations have continued with women young and old wearing white and carrying flowers marching…

Airport COVID-19 testing

Testing for COVID-19 will soon be possible at Brussels Airport thanks to the installation of a mobile laboratory. From the beginning of September, the mobile laboratory at Brussels Airport will enable passengers to obtain tests for Covid-19. This means that passengers returning from a red zone can be tested as soon as they arrive at…


The full horror of the atrocities committed on their own peaceful citizens by the Belarus authorities in collaboration with thugs recruited from third countries is just starting to emerge. Foreign thugs completely outnumbered the internal security forces of Belarus who beat and arrested some 3000 peaceful demonstrators in Minsk alone. A three day clamp down…

Thoughts from Yorkshire on Faith and Politics in Montenegro

Except for Captain Tom Moore, who recently captured the nation’s hearts for his fundraising efforts at the height of the pandemic, the most famous living son of the Yorkshire town of Keighley (the area I represented in Parliament from 2017 -2019) is probably Alistair Campbell, writes John Grogan.  Whilst working for Tony Blair as Director of…

The Citizens of Belarus Have Spoken. Will the EU Support Them?

We publish here in full an open letter signed by the 8 MEPs: Manfred Weber, Sandra Kalniete, David McAllister, Andrius Kubilius, Michael Gahler, Miriam Lexmann, Andrzej Halicki, Radosław Sikorski, “Belarusians supporting democracy who long for change are the moral victors of yesterday’s election. The result is clear: the majority of Belarus voted against Mr Lukashenko and in…

Flights Over Brussels

Good news for the economy, but less so for noise and air pollution affecting residents living near Zaventem Airport. Since the resumption of non-essential flights on 15 June this year, the number of passengers handled at Brussels Airport has risen, but remains 80% below July 2019 figures. This means that in July, for the first…