Vladimir Putin’s address to the United Nations General Assembly

Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered a pre-recorded video address to the 75th anniversary session of the United Nations General Assembly earlier this week.  The main focus of his address was on the global challenge that COVID-19 is posing. But he kept silent about the challenges Russia is presenting to the international community in a time…

PKK’s Involvement in the Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict would Jeopardise European Security

The alarming reports that Armenia has been relocating Kurdistan Working Party (PKK) terrorists from Syria and Iraq to the occupied territories of Nagorno-Karabakh to prepare for future hostilities and train Armenian militias is news of the sort that should keep you awake at night, not only in Azerbaijan but also in Europe. Changing the demographics…

Deterioration in EU Relations with China

EU relations with China have deteriorated over the years, mainly because of China´s aggressive policies and unfulfilled promises, said MEPs during a meeting with China’s EU Ambassador.  China accepts well intended criticism, but it does not accept malicious attacks, nor does it allow anyone to meddle in its internal affairs. This was one of the…

Brussels’ Greeters network celebrates 10th anniversary

Founded in New York in 1992 and launched in Brussels in 2010, a shining example of participatory tourism, the network of Brussels Greeters will celebrate its 10th anniversary in September. In these uncertain times, the Greeters believe that it is more essential than ever to share one of their fundamental values: cultural exchange and the…

Embracing Digital Transformation

Europe is not fully benefitting from advanced technologies to innovate and remain competitive. In 2016, the European Commission launched the Digitising European Industry (DEI) initiative to boost the digitalisation of EU businesses. Despite the Commission’s efforts to support national authorities, progress of the initiative has been uneven among the Member States, according to a new…

eHealth Security

The EU Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) and The Danish Health Data Authority will this week launch the 6th annual eHealth Security Conference: “Working together towards secure eHeath”.  This year’s programme consists of a series of panel discussions about the major cyber challenges facing Europe’s healthcare sector.  The series will span three months, with each month exploring…

UN 75th Anniversary

The following is the text of a speech by Chales Michel, President of the European Council. Seventy-five years of the Charter of the United Nations. But rather than looking back, I want to look forward 75 years, to 2095. My youngest daughter, Lucie, will be 76 years old. And like any parent in the world,…

EESC Civil Solidarity Prize

The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) invites civil society organisations, private companies and individuals from the European Union and the United Kingdom to submit their projects for its unique Civil Solidarity Prize, launched in July as a special, one-off replacement for its flagship annual Civil Society Prize. The EESC aims to reward as many as 29…

Libyan sanctions

The Council today (21 September) decided to impose targeted restrictive measures on two persons responsible for human rights abuses in Libya and three entities involved in violating the UN arms embargo in place for Libya.  They will be added to the EU’s list of persons and entities subject to restrictive measures related to the Libyan conflict.  The sanctions imposed comprise a travel ban and…

Prince Charles Speaks Out

HRH Prince Charles, “Climate change is now rapidly becoming a comprehensive catastrophe that will dwarf the impact of the coronavirus pandemic” The following are highlights of his address today. The borderless Climate bio-diversity and heath crisis are all symptoms of a planet that has been pushed beyond its boundaries, without swift and immediate action at a unprecedented case…