Make EU Digital Leader

The EPP Group in the European parliament has called for an ambitious overhaul of European rules for digital services to make Europe a digital global leader.  The Digital Services Act (DSA), which the European Commission will propose later this year, should help consumers and businesses opt for digital solutions. Ahead of today’s parliamentary debate, Members…

Good Food Good Farming

Responding to the conclusions of Monday’s meeting of Europe’s Agriculture Ministers Stanka Becheva, food and agriculture campaigner at Friends of the Earth Europe, commented:   “Europe needs a strategy to urgently combat the ecological, climate and farming crises – that is not what Ministers have served up today. They have backed away from the already moderate goals proposed…

EP Resolution on Education

Voicing concerns over the damage inflicted by the Covid-19 pandemic on Europe’s education systems, the S&D has publicly called on the European Council and Commission to develop and implement concrete solutions to bridge the educational gaps created between different member states. Members of the European Parliament will cast their votes on a resolution on the…

EP Reaction to Terrorist Murder in France

The Renew group has joined in the grief of the family, relatives and students of the teacher Samuel Paty, who was cowardly murdered last Friday in Conflans-sainte-Honorine, France.  Renew Europe believes the fundamental values of Europe are once again at stake. This heinous attack recalls the urgent need for the EU to adapt its rules…

Poland Undermining EU

MEPs are urging the European Commission to take immediate action over the deteriorating rule of law in Poland, especially with regard to the independence of the Polish judiciary, as the PiS-led government continues to undermine and attack judges. “For many years, we have witnessed the ruling coalition undermining the whole structure of the state, including…

EPP Calls for Sanctions Against Russia

The EPP Group has urged the Foreign Affairs Ministers of EU Member States to agree on sanctions against all persons involved in the poisoning of the Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny. “Russia clearly failed in cooperating to start an international investigation into the poisoning of Alexei Navalny. Therefore we urge the EU Member States to…

Passenger Numbers Down at Brussels Airport

379,303 passengers passed through Brussels Airport during September. This is just 15.2% of the total number of passengers recorded in September 2019. This 85% drop in passenger numbers is mainly due to increased travel restrictions particularly for Spain. Meanwhile, air freight showed a strong 18.9% increase in volumes in September making this the fourth consecutive…

Farm To Fork

The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) adopted the opinion “From Farm to Fork” at its September Plenary session, following the European Commission’s communication on the Farm to Fork Strategy – for a fair, healthy and environmentally-friendly food system.  As an integral part of the European Green Deal, this is the first EU strategy claiming to encompass the…

New Chemical Strategy

The EPP Group in parliament says that it wants to ban dangerous chemicals from human contact. “We must ban dangerous chemicals from situations where they are dangerous to humans and the environment. The health of European citizens must come first. We support the European Commission’s goals in achieving a toxic-free environment”, stated Peter Liese MEP,…

SME Barometer

The latest EU SME Barometer presented shows an unprecedented drop in the Business Climate for SMEs caused by the COVID-19 crisis. This is mainly due to very negative results for the past semester, but also the expectations from the second semester are subdued. As a consequence, the SME Climate Index fell by 18.8, reaching 54.6…