Freight Volumes Continue to Increase at Brussels Airport

312,556 passengers passed through Brussels Airport in October, barely 13% of the number of passengers in October 2019. Freight transport continues to grow, with volumes transported increasing by 12% in October. ‘The passenger figures for the last few months are obviously catastrophic,’ explains Arnaud Feist, CEO of Brussels Airport Company. “The current situation is untenable for all players…

CPMR Calls For Inclusion in NGEU

The Conference of Peripheral Maritime (CPMR) says it welcomes the political agreement reached by the European Parliament and the EU Council on the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027. The deal marks a decisive step towards providing the regions with adequate and timely means to deliver the recovery in this uncertain moment. The agreement foresees to reinforce…

Morocco Restores Free Movement in El Guergerat

Following complaints from hundreds of truckers and freight transport businesses concerning road blockades and banditry in the El Guergerat region in the Moroccan Sahara, Morocco’s security forces today took action to restore the free movement of goods and people in the region. The “Polisario” and its militias entered the area on 21 October, carried out…

Senior Romanian prosecutors skipped professional exams and gained status granted by Ministerial decision

We are perhaps one step closer to understanding the conundrum in Romania that the country’s two biggest prosecution offices, the National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) and the Section for the Investigation of Justice Criminal Offences (SIJJ), both bring a record number of cases, yet those same cases either fail or end with dubious results.   It…

Albion Languages

The logistics and supply chain sector has experienced extreme challenges during the Coronavirus pandemic, writes Alistair Binks. A recent survey conducted by the Institute for Supply Chain Management found that nearly 75 per cent of companies reported supply chain disruptions in one form or another due to Covid-19-related transportation restrictions. The importance of global supply chains…

Award for Good Administration

The European Ombudsman, Emily O’Reilly, invites nominations for the third biennial ‘Award for Good Administration’ in the EU institutions. Nominations for the award – to be submitted by end January 2021 – can be made by EU staff, or by businesses, associations or civil society groups. The nominated work should have a visible and positive impact on…


MEPs have voted on the EU’s health action programme (“EU4Health”). The current programme runs until the end of the year; EU4Health is the successor programme for 2021-2027. In the negotiations on the Multi-Annual Financial Framework, the European Parliament tripled the proposed funding for EU4Health to €5.1 billion. The programme will not only finance actions against…

Belgium Ranked 24th Most Valuable Nation Brand

COVID-19 Wipes Over US$13 Trillion Off Top Nation Brand Values Belgium retains its position as world’s 24th most valuable nation brand, brand value down 19% to US$505 billion Top 100 nation brands in Brand Finance Nation Brands 2020 ranking lose US$13.1 trillion of brand value in 2020 as they negotiate devasting COVID-19 pandemic China continues to close gap…