EU and Morocco Strategic Partnership Unshaken

EU Morocco Trade

Last week the European Court of Justice issued a decision on legal actions for annulment brought by the separatist terrorist organisation Polisario against two Council decisions concerning the conclusion of agreements between the European Union and Morocco.  The agreements concern EU imports of agricultural products originating in Morocco and sustainable fisheries. Polisario lodged the applications…

Short Sighted Spanish Resolution in Parliament Escalates Bilateral Tension with Morocco

Spain Morocco relations

Parliament has adopted a resolution on the human rights situation at the Spanish/Moroccan border, alleging that the Moroccan authorities created an artificial migratory crisis in Ceuta. The Resolution alleges Morocco has used border control and migration, and unaccompanied minors in particular, as deliberate political pressure against Spain.  The resolution stated that an unprecedented surge in…

MEPs appeal to High Representative Joseph Borell in support of the Kingdom of Morocco

A number of influential members of the European Parliament, representing the major political groups, have appealed to the High Representative, Joseph Borell, in support of the Kingdom of Morocco in its efforts to guarantee the free passage of goods and people in the demilitarised zone of Guerguerat, writes Gary Cartwright. European parliamentarians belonging to the…

Calls to Tighten Up EU Budgetary Control

The EPP Group plans to initiate a new anti-oligarch law to assure a fairer distribution of EU money, and criticises the double role of Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babiš who negotiates the multiannual EU budget on behalf of his country and at the same time, is one of the biggest beneficiaries of EU funds in…