Putting an End to SLAPPs

Tiemo Wölken

The Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament have welcomed proposals from the Commission to end the use of abusive lawsuits against journalists, NGOs and civil society in the EU.  In November 2021, the European Parliament called for new EU rules to stop abusive legal action intended to intimidate and silence critical voices. A large…

Sustainability of batteries

sustainable batteries

The European Parliament has adopted a set of comprehensive and ambitious rules on sustainability, safety, labelling and information on batteries.  The future of batteries in Europe must be socially and environmentally sustainable. Now the ball is in the Council’s court to match our ambition and finalise its position in order for the new Batteries Regulation…

Artificial Intelligence

Members of the S&D Group in the AIDA (Artificial Intelligence in the Digital Age) special committee will host this week a debate on Valuing Labour in the age of  AI with a focus on how Artificial Intelligence can complement human labour in the workplace and in general, members will discuss with specialists what are the…

New Digital Services Act

S&D members in the European Parliament’s legal and consumer protection committees have stated their demands for a safer internet for users, ahead of the European Commission’s much-awaited presentation of the new Digital Services Act. The main purpose of this legislation must be to provide the same type of protection both online and offline. Moreover, S&Ds…