Greens Accuse USA of Abandoning Ukraine

Photo by Glib Albovsky on Unsplash

  Photo by Glib Albovsky on Unsplash Some MEPs have accused the U.S. of abandoning Ukraine. The claim comes in the wake of the shock suspension of US military aid to Ukraine which was announced on Tuesday. Greens deputy Mārtiņš Staķis from Latvia, Greens/EFA Coordinator in the Committee on Security and Defence (SEDE), led MEP reaction…

European Green Party Elections

Vula Tsetsi and Ciarán Cuffe

Vula Tsetsi and Ciarán Cuffe have been elected as co-chairs of the European Green Party (EGP), receiving near unanimous support from the Green parties across Europe. They supported their vision to take on the extreme right, and to bolster a green and just transition that benefits everyone. Reaction came from Tsetsi who said: “Politically, we are…

EU Urged to Investigate Greek Rail Tragedy

Photo by Chun Jie Lim on Unsplash

Photo by Chun Jie Lim on Unsplash The European Green Party has called on the European institutions to lead an independent investigation into the 2023 Tempi rail disaster that killed 57 people. This comes in the wake of massive protests in Greece last weekend that, say the Greens, revealed the widespread frustration and deep mistrust…

And So It Begins…

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash The European Union has been told it must stand on its own two feet, to fight both climate collapse and the rise of autocrats. The blunt message came from the European Greens as Donald Trump started his 2nd term as US president on Monday. It also follows President Trump’s…

Middle East Peace Deal

Photo by dadalan real on Unsplash

Photo by dadalan real on Unsplash MEPs have been quick to respond to news of the tentative peace deal in the Middle East. On Thursday, the European Green Party (EGP) said it welcomes the announcement of a ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hamas, marking a step that will hopefully end the cycle of violence that…