Flood Disaster in SW Ukraine

Earlier last week, intensive rains resulted in the largest flooding in the south-west of Ukraine in the last 50 years, with several casualties and damage to hundreds of homes. To alleviate the first needs, the Ukrainian authorities activated the EU protection mechanism, Sweden responded immediately and offered 1.2 kilometres of flood barrier, 250 hoses and…

Never Mind the Fraudster, What About her Victims?

A conference at the Press Club in Brussels heard last week that a group of six Members of the European Parliament had, independently of their political groups, written to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and other senior political figures calling for them to overturn a legitimate judicial decision and grant asylum to a convicted fugitive. The…

Petition of Patriots of Ukraine to the Heads of State and Governments of the Member States of the EU

We publish here in full the text of a petition from the Patriots of Ukraine Worldwide addressed to the Heads of State and Governments of the EU Member States.  For the seventh year in a row, Ukraine and Ukrainians have been fighting at the forefront of international efforts to repel Russian armed aggression and the…

EPP Calls for More Engagement with Eastern Partnership Countries

The EPP Group in the European Parliament is calling for more “tangible engagement” between the EU and Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Belarus.  Amongst others, it calls for the abolition of cell phone roaming fees in the Eastern Partnership countries and between the EU and these countries. “More than ever, today and beyond 2020,…

“LPR” representative at Minsk talks granted Russian Citizenship

Oleksiy Reznikov, the Minister for the Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories and Ukraine’s envoy to the Trilateral Contact Group exposes the facts. The so-called “Head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs” of the self-proclaimed “Luhansk People’s Republic” (“LPR”) Vladislav Deinego has been granted Russian citizenship. A photocopy of Deinego’s Russian passport has been posted…

Coronavirus: EU channels assistance to Ukraine

In response to a request from Ukraine via the EU Civil Protection Mechanism, Slovakia has offered protective facemasks, disinfectants, blankets, among other items to help the country tackle the coronavirus pandemic. The EU will coordinate and co-finance the delivery of this assistance to Ukraine. Janez Lenarčič, Commissioner for Crisis Management, said: “The coronavirus pandemic must be tackled…

What is Happening in the Ukrainian Energy Market?

Ukraine, like other European countries, is experiencing a crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic. In the energy sector, this is reflected by a significant decline in electricity consumption. However, the situation is further compounded by an ongoing systemic crisis in the sector.  Even before the Coronavirus outbreak Ukraine’s energy sector was facing enormous challenges, with…

€3 Billion to Fight COVID-19 in EU Neighbourhood

The European Parliament has approved €3 billion in loans to help EU neighbours and partner countries deal with the fallout of COVID-19. The loans, which will be given on highly favourable terms and disbursed over a year, will help the following ten countries whose economies have been pushed into recession by the pandemic. The are:…


Today marks the 75th Anniversary of the last major war in Europe, paving the way for the great peace project of the European Union which has stood firm for seven decades. On his Twitter account Guy Verhofstadt states, “Today we remember those who gave their lives for our freedom and to secure peace on our…