Profiteering from Dehumanisation on EU Borders

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles on Border Surveillance

The EU’s current border regime is a profitable business for the European companies cashing in on the militarisation of EU migration policy, according to a study commissioned by The Left in the European Parliament. The study is by Jacqueline Andres, of  the “Information Centre on Militarization” and MEPs Özlem Demirel and Clare Daly. Major defence companies such as…

Space Records Due To Be Broken Friday 22 October

Ariane 5

Ariane 5 is on the cusp of setting 3 new records when it carries the SES-17 and SYRACUSE 4A satellites for its second launch of the year, scheduled for Friday October 22. Arianespace will orbit two geostationary satellites: SES-17, a high throughput satellite operated by SES and SYRACUSE 4A, a satellite developed for the French…