Peaceful Protests in Tbilisi Attacked While Government Does Nothing

Tbilisi Pride

At least twenty journalists have been attacked by far-right hate groups gathered in a counter-rally against today’s Tbilisi Pride March, according to the latest reports. In addition, Far-right crowds that gathered on Tbilisi’s main Rustaveli Avenue last night to prevent Tbilisi Pride March set for later today, dismantled tents erected by opposition and civic activists outside the…

PKK’s Involvement in the Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict would Jeopardise European Security

The alarming reports that Armenia has been relocating Kurdistan Working Party (PKK) terrorists from Syria and Iraq to the occupied territories of Nagorno-Karabakh to prepare for future hostilities and train Armenian militias is news of the sort that should keep you awake at night, not only in Azerbaijan but also in Europe. Changing the demographics…

Armenian Actions in Tovuz Border District Threaten European Energy Security and Geopolitical Stability

By Dr. Ceyhun Osmanli Protests by the Armenian Diaspora in Brussels last week turned violent, with a premeditated attack on the Azerbaijani Embassy. Similar incidents were orchestrated around the globe in what appears to have been a coordinated campaign of terror. In this opinion editorial, our guest correspondent Dr Ceyhun Osmanli warns of the dangers…