Card for the Disabled Proposed by European Parliament

EU Card for the disabled

Mobility, education, housing and active inclusion in public life are key areas where disabled Europeans would benefit from reform, say MEPs. The EU should have a common definition for the disabled and introduce a European Disability Card to mutually recognise disability status across the EU, argue MEPs in a resolution approved with 579 votes in…

Protecting the Rights of the Disabled

Rights of the disabled

With up to a quarter of EU citizens declaring some degree of impairment or disability, far too many people still face barriers to education, travelling to other EU countries or finding work. This week, the S&D Group is leading the European Parliament in calling for more to be done to protect the rights of people…

New Digital Services Act

S&D members in the European Parliament’s legal and consumer protection committees have stated their demands for a safer internet for users, ahead of the European Commission’s much-awaited presentation of the new Digital Services Act. The main purpose of this legislation must be to provide the same type of protection both online and offline. Moreover, S&Ds…