Leaders, Politics and Optics

Photo by Parker Johnson on Unsplash

Photo by Parker Johnson on Unsplash The practice of politics always has challenges. Such challenges are magnified when confronted with the optics: the perception of the people. Not all political Leaders seem to realise this…. While more UK small businesses are going bust than any year since the financial crisis of 2009, with mortgage interest doomed to remain…

Out of Time and Out of Touch

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash The UK has just experienced three by-elections, and the results are very bad for the Conservatives. Spin doctors from the three major parties are now hard at work. Liberal Democrats have no need to spin. Having overturned a massive Conservative majority in the west of England they have now created a massive…

The Labours of Hercules

Photo by Rosario Esposito La Rossa on Unsplash

Photo by Rosario Esposito La Rossa on Unsplash Rishi Sunak has set himself five key tasks to achieve before the next General Election. The current civil war within the Conservative party suggests these five may not be enough to win over his fractious MPs, let alone a struggling country. He should remember (and Boris Johnson with his classical…

Service? Or Self-Service?

Photo by Zachary Kadolph on Unsplash

Photo by Zachary Kadolph on Unsplash The first three initials of Boris Alexander De pfeffel Johnson badged him as BAD at birth, but few could have imagined the damage he would inflict on the country as a whole and on trust in politicians in particular.  His sudden resignation as an MP was triggered by receipt of the report…