Evidence Released of Concentration Camps in China for Muslims

A leading Brussels-based human rights group has voiced concern about ethnic minority groups, mostly Uighur Muslims, in China. Leaked documents about Chinese detention camps are said to dramatically contradict government claims they are voluntary job training centres. The classified documents, which have been broadcast by Sky TV, appear to confirm the testimony of many former detainees that they are centres…

OSCE hears concerns over subversion of religious institutions

Kazakhstan is known not only for its lead in the issue of multi-lateral nuclear disarmament, but also for its significant contribution to ensuring dialogue between religions existing on the Earth, having founded in 2003 the permanent international interfaith institute “Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions”. In June 2021, in the capital of Kazakhstan,…

Taiwan Safeguarding Regional Religious Freedom

Religious Freedom - Taiwan

An inaugural meeting of the Regional Religious Freedom Forum in Taiwan has heard that the country is flying the flag for safeguarding religious freedom, particularly in the Indo-Pacific region. The meeting heard that Taiwan is committed to ending intolerance and persecution of religious minorities. Organized by Taipei City-based Taiwan Foundation for Democracy, the two-day event…